No you're not listening Yahoo, you have the small boring stories on your site for weeks.
Get some new writers, or should I say get some writers period!
Richard Bard commented
You actually think yahoo will do what visitors want? They want to control your time on site and push their agenda and get you to click as much as possible, thats it
Anonymous commented
finding new provider. YAHOO SUCKS.
Victor Pascual commented
been with yahoo since 1992 ...the changes in home page format isn't user friendly ...I like the carousal that was taken out I hate when I click on a subject it gives you a popout then you have to click the popout to get the rest of the news.....maybe it's time to move after 25 years with yahoo...
David L. commented
yahoo is definitely NOT the comments are new and improved? Seriously? They suck. No way to thumbs up or down, and no notification if someone has replied to a post? STUPID yahoo, very stupid not to listen to your users. Time to move on to another homepage
John commented
Dang and I thought it was just me that hated it,, going over to Gmail soon
gb commented
one month in and still NOT LISTENING.
gb commented
1 week in, and i still hate this new yahoo. and no, no one is listening at yahoo.