take that rainbow off my home page
take that ******* rainbow off my homepage.

Daniel Thompson commented
Bye Felicia
jake gib commented
Hello Yahoo. I am proud in who I am. I identify as NOT GAY. The LGBsTQXYZDRWOIUHKGFACVNM@ movement is the same as any other religion. It is nothing more than Opiate for today's fickle masses. I find religion offensive. I am offended by having that on my background every time I log in. Let's compromise, start putting up my NOT ********* flag or an American flag and have more stories of happy... uh, what do we even call original people who's ****** preference actually pro-creates and makes babies these days? I can't even remember my ****** label anymore... I'm not bi, I'm not pan, I'm not metro, I'm not a ****, I guess I'm a minority and minorities should have the most say according to modern liberal logic. So please fix this, and I'll stop harassing yahoo.
Anonymous commented
get that gay **** off your web page it offends me and millions more regular people who don't support queers!!!
Hector Hernandez commented
I want the ability to remove that gay equality bar at the top of the Yahoo page. I don't appreciate having that gay equality nonsense shoved down my throat.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Self explanatory!
Travis commented
Please make the rainbow flag in the upper right corner optional, I am not LGBTQ, nor do I support it. You have no right to force your beliefs on to others. This is further proof that liberals do not actually believe in equality, or acceptance of everyone beliefs
Anonymous commented
Keep your politics and beliefs to yourself. I will be on google...bye bye
John S Travitz commented
I do not want Yahoo forcing themes on my home page. If I want a rainbow banner at the top, I will put one. If I want a $th of July theme, I will put one.
LF commented
What's with the rainbow colors in the upper front right of the page??!? Don't shove your gay and lesbian support down my throat. I find it completely offensive.
Anonymous commented
need to remove it or I will change browser home page.