Yahoo you're heading in the same direction as Fake news CNN

Doc Adviser commented
Media ought be NEUTRAL. Not BIASED. Right or Left wing. Author of articles should NOT assert their own personal views. Keep those to themselves. Neutral articles.
Not to incite or impose one's personal views and beliefs upon others. That's true journalism. -
Steve L commented
Verizon, the owner of the Oath conglomerate (yahoo and huffcompost) spew nothing but liberal dribble. . .just look at their sources: Salon, Rolling Stones, The Guardian, Pop Sugar, LA Times, Miami Herald, Business Insider and the Daily beast. . .nothing but liberal propaganda machines. . .We can surmise that yahoo is no longer an unbiased source!
Stuart Pearson commented
just please put some kind of a ban on the political posts on CSCO on the financial board!!! There are 20 nonsense posts (including stupid videos) to each actual post that belongs there. PLEASE POLICE THE SITE!
George Ford commented
Fox "News" is propaganda!
Christopher Nance commented
WHY do any of you continue to use Yahoo!? Seems to me like all you have to do in your lives is ***** ***** *****. You guys call liberals snowflakes, but yet you intentionally come to a website, you know is going to make you lose your minds, just so you can get irritated. That's beyond stupid. Go to Breitbart or Drudge or whatever else. Yahoo! isn't your only options in the world.
Dooran commented
what do you mean "heading"?.. they've been there for years.