Yahoo reporting has become so pathetic and juvenile. I am sick at heart, with the vile words that Yahoo constantly prints about the First La
Yahoo reporting has become so pathetic and juvenile. I am sick at heart,with the nasty, malicious words that Yahoo assaults the First Lady with. Yahoo's immature and malevolent writing against Trump his work so far and against his family is despicable. US citizens are jobless, and Yahoo continues to harass the President, while the trollop Kartrashians are worshipped over and over. Yahoo!, wiht its autoscrolling and multitudes of unwanted features, has really sunk to an all time low. The writers and the articles from Pop sugar, Huffington Post and others mean nothing to a real person, Yahoo reports on nothing of any value and I am sick to death of reading the nastiness against the First Lady! STOP, this at once! and report on real life and notthe BS that you are posting.
Denny Rohrbaugh commented
You are promoting Anti-American Leftist BS...I know you do not give a **** what any of us believe...the absolute minute I can get a neutral news reporter without a leftist communist agenda I am gone !!!!!!
Lawrence Kasprzyk commented
You delete comments that "Hurt" your feelings Wahhhh!!!! You are in my opinion becoming a garbage web site. Who cares how celebs party, dress ect. Looking for a new mail client, after 10yrs with Yahoo, I've had it. YOU SUCK!!!!
Bubba Kchevieskmy commented
Completely agree. Yahoo has become nothing more than anti-American trash. Filled with 3rd world commenters that disgust me. F*ck Yahoo and its garbage... Bunch a fairies that would curl up in a ball and offer their behinds up to any strongarm that knocked on their doors.
Christopher Nance commented
You know what else is JUVENILE? The President of the United States. Where you sick at heart with the nasty malicious words and images conservatives assaulted our last first lady with bish? HUH?