News Bias - From A Democrat
I’ve used Yahoo as my news resource for years but I lately I see how politically bias your news reporting has been. It is obvious Yahoo is very liberal, and this coming from one who is a Democrat! I read the article posted today on the North Korean “beauties “representing North Korea
and the article on Pence not standing during the open ceremony:
you seemed to have more positive things to say about North Korea then you did about Pence not standing for the North Korean representatives. Are we as Democrats/Liberals, whatever you want to call us that ignorant, hateful, and delusional that we would give praise or acknowledge North Korea in any positive way just because we disagree with the current administration? That is certainly what it looks like to me. Then we are exactly what the RIGHT says we are, nothing but sore losers! Nothing but ignorant crybabies just because we didn’t get our way.
I appreciate news outlets that cover the truth, that represent ALL Americans, ALL walks of life, whether YOU agree with them or not. Yahoo has not been that at all as of late. Unsubscribing from Yahoo after 20 years!
Anonymous commented
I'm an Independent who appears to have been labelled by YAHOO as a Democrat, and the result is a steady stream of Democratic rhetoric in my News Feed. My husband asked me to check his YAHOO mail today and I discovered that his news feed is loaded with Republican rhetoric because they must have him labelled as a Republican. Sharing this because it sounds like you've been accurately labelled a Democrat and they are choosing only stories that help you become more polarized in your perspectives. I share your desire to see both sides of all issues and have advocated for that here.