More "Feel Good" human interest, non-celebrity, non-political stories please!
Yahoo used to carry more feel good stories before the 2016 campaign heated up. Lots of comments in yesterday's CBS story you carried about the lunch stealing labs had people saying they wanted more. We all can use the reprieve from the constant political and celebrity stories. We can all use stories about regular people like us doing nice things. Please consider adding MORE upbeat content like about the dogs or the boy in foster care who wants to be adopted. We're overloaded with the famous!

Branson Real commented
Go look at your news feed. Do you think you could get any more hateful? Do you actually want the world to be a negative place? To the employees of Yahoo, would you want your family or kids reading the stories on this site with all the negativity and turmoil? All they would be learning is how to be an unproductive person of society. Is that what you want?
Rochell Axelrod commented
Can you share more uplifting and positive stories on your homepage instead of the horrible and sad stories I fear to look at. They are sad and cruel. I know the world is messed up but more positive stories would be nice to get us the the day.
Kenny K commented
Journalist are now reporters. They don't do any work to find a story. They just report what they hear and Yahoo believes if it's not negative, it's not good. I stopped watching the news almost 10 years ago and I skip over any news feed on yahoo because just scrolling down the page, there is nothing good. There is a lot happening that is good. There are so many people helping, loving, and caring for others. Change it up, find more positive stories. There are plenty if you actually do journalistic work, not just report what you hear, real or fake.