Stop requiring sign in every time
Every time I open my computer for the day, I'm required to sign in?? That should not be required on my computer. All other sites memorize my sign-in information.
Anonymous commented
If we decide we don't want to "stay logged in" (use cookies), why are you requiring a second login? It serves no purpose, particularly if you already accept the initial login/pw as valid. If I keep the "Stay signed in" checkbox marked, it doesn't do that - but the (obvious) security reasons for ot doing so are... obvious.
ray bourne commented
Now I have to sign in to leave a comment about not being signed in?!
ray bourne commented
Let “Stay Signed in “ be stay signed in.
YK Arthur XIII commented
Don't let me keep repeating my password. It only confuses me then it confuses you. Result:I get off my computer and start over again some other time. You cause delays with what you think is keeping my posts safe. You don't. You only exasperate me.
YK Arthur XIII commented
Don't let me keep repeating my password. It only confuses me then it confuses you. Result:I get off my computer and start over again some other time. You cause delays with what you think is keeping my posts safe. You don't. You only exasperate me.
JANET F HELM commented
in-spite of me signing in & clicking onto stayed signed in,I get logged out every **** day.I have to sign in every time I open my browser so I can read my darn email plus it also makes me sign in to the AT&T account because you also log me out their as well inspite of me clicking onto keep signed in for 2 weeks option.this is BS put this stuff back like it was,fix this ****.I have checked all the settings on my pc & anti virus program & none of my settings have changed nor do they log me out automatically every **** day to my email so it is what ever yahoo/Att did to change ****.FIX ITNOW !!!!!!!!!!!!
Tommy Tune commented
What a stupid business plan to randomly lock people out of their accounts. If only there was some other platform to use for email ... and get away from this idiotic Yahoo practice. Wake up! Idiots in charge!!!!!
J b commented
Because their ***** software people don't seem to have a clue what they are doing... They change comments and they way they work, they change login and it doesn't work. Time to fire people.
LARRY & KAREN GAUL commented
Why do I have to log into Yahoo email everytime i want to look at my emails. Your option for 2 week log in does not work. This is very very annoying!!!!!!
Tom D commented
Why do I have to keep signing in to view my emails? It says I can sign in for 2 weeks, but it won't work. Address this problem on your left sided 'home page' so others will know that Yahoo has a problem.
Jess Hines commented
Long-term sign-in
JEFF BROCK commented
I don't think Yahoo really cares if there system works correctly or never has. I do wish they would fix this problem. It is pretty stupid to have to log in EVERY time you check your email.
Stephen G Grattan commented
I am ready to throw ATT and Yahoo out
Geoff Blackmore commented
Please Allow me to sign in tor the full 2 weeks like before. When I clicked on the account to sign in under a new window popped up with an email address I had not used in 10 years and the one I clicked on was not a choice. Had to start from scratch. When I do sign in leave my desk, come back and go to my email I have to sign in again.....NOT 2 WEEKS. This is my business here. Ohh and stocp with all the left propaganda....just a thought.
SHARON WURTZ commented
autologin does not work properly. Your cookie seems to be corrupted. Kindly fix ASAP
SHARON WURTZ commented
Your cookie seems to be corrupted. Kindly fix AS
Christine C Ravely commented
My pc all of a sudden had Yahoo shutting down all day long, even though I check keep me signed in for two weeks. This is sudden turn of events, last week it was fine!
Brian King commented
Having the same issue! Seems they will fix it when they feel like it, been happening to me since monday 25th!
Marguerite Bogosian commented
Just please give a solution to my question.
Lana Singletary commented
At least you can get to your email. I have spent the better part of the last 3 days trying to recover my yahoo email password only to be told by 5-6 people there is nothing they can do unless I can give them the name of a file I created in INbox or the last two emails I made and got a response to AND the exact subject matter Since I cannot get into my emails this is impossible and that is the excuse they are using to deny me access to an account I have had for 15+ years. The phone number I have had for 20 years does not match up with the one on file. My profile is still up but when I try to sign out it will not let me because I am not verified. But I cannot go to my email even though I am apparently signed in. How does that work? I do not expect an answer or to ever see my old emails again because I feel they really really do not care.