You have ruined Yahoo by removing the comments. I want to know the pulse and the opinions of the readers. I do not need a safe zone. I ne
I want to have the comments restored. You have minimized the importance of your website by doing this. I don't need a safe zone, I need a place I can read, comment, and develop well-crafted thought. This is not a nazi country but that type of behavior, removing comments stifles free speech and thoughtful dialogue. I am ashamed of you as a website, so short-sighted, so restrictive, so not newsworthy.
dave cates commented
Try parler it's back
Robert Wallace commented
If you don't share the logic that Yahoo supports, then you won't see opposing ideas! I think we "ALL" should support a new service.
Eric Wenner commented
Yahoo! has aided in putting a corrupt, lying, AND incompetent lifelong politician who has lined his and family's pockets with money at the expense of our country's security. By killing the comment section you've eliminated the chance for us to provide you and your readers real facts and not the made up fiction that's passed from CNN to HuffPost to NY Times to MSNBC and so on and back again. Yahoo! used to be a fantastic news source. Go back to 2000.