Your ads are annoying, I suggest stopping all ads period.

Mark Harris commented
The latest ploy of displaying an ad/spam in the uppermost Inbox slot which is not delete-able is manipulative, obnoxious, and unfair whether in New or Classic Mail !
Jeff Chapman commented
The idea I have is to stop companies like yahoo from flooding the airwaves with ads. The new yahoo main page and the new mail program both are nothing more than Yahoo working on bleeding Americans out of more money. Would you like to know what really makes me mad as ****, I have been with yahoo since the beginning and now I have to look for agencies without AD blasting the public
Ron Vee commented
Add a link to any other browser!!!
The new Yahoo browser is slow and too burdensome. Too many ads taking too long to load actual content. -
Ken Bloom commented
advertising TEMU - stop it!!!! Chinese company gathering data on customers just like tik tok.
karen schmidt commented
This is annoying and unnecessary
karen schmidt commented
Forced Yahoo+ subscription to remove deals at the top of the email.
matthew blinkinsop commented
Greed. Pigs get fed Hogs get slaughtered.
matthew blinkinsop commented
The lack of understanding of your designers as they attempt to cram another advertisement down my throat is borderline incompetent. E-Mail is going to go the way of the DODO if I have to look at the attempt to influence garbage you are inundating me with. Been a guy that comes here for 20 years thinking thats been too long.
arthur romanowski commented
Hello Yahoo,
I hope you are having a good day and not working too hard.
Please forgive me for the negative comment.
I'm a picky person when it comes to news and Articles that have any value and your Homepage was one that I thought was Fair On News and had different sources ranging from Fox News, Huffington to Sports and everything in-between and now Yahoo Has RUINED THE HOMEPAGE By These NASTY ADS that ATTACK My Yahoo Homepage Over and Over again and I'm I PAID Yahoo Plus Customer and now I will NEVER Go On That Page Ever Again! And Yes I called Yahoo Support and said the Paid Yahoo Plus for ads is ONLY for the inside Yahoo Mail Itself and the Homepage has now changed to the INSANE ADS and the Homepage now has ZERO VALUE and a Waste Of My Time. Thanks for your time, -
Alan Johnson commented
The new My Yahoo browser home page is TERRIBLE!It is not customizable and the preset content is all celebrity focused new dribble. There is not any reliable, hard news feeds on the home page only a ridiculous assortment of infotainment based 'news' - and forget about financial news or try to check you Yahoo Portfolios without a treasure hunt to find it. We were used to NPR News Feed, CNN News Feed, and Reuter News feeds, constantly updated with the latest news. Also having access to Yahoo Portfolios. Now we must go there several steps to read each individually. We have been desperately trying to find an alternative browser to Yahoo web browser - that we've used for many, many years. Hopefully you will take feedback to heart and revert to traditional, customizable, and allow the option
Stryder North commented
Lies, commercials and bad copy.......
Stryder North commented
You think the Baldoni/Hollywood story is MORE important than the slaughter in New Orleans. No wonder you Copy so much from CNN. You have no credibility any more. I am done.
Roy Van Cleave commented
Make news so WE can see what WE want, NOT what you want. More news, less about fashion and entertainment! I don't care about half the garbage you are putting on the front page. AND STOP THE VIDEOS!
Rayy R Gunn commented
Remove the Trend Spot ads from the homepage. Being forced to see two men kissing is vomitous.
maria biddle commented
take the ads off this new page and there would be nothing at all. Who told you we want YOU to pick out what we read.
mark bailey commented
just makes it easier for yahoo to shove unwanted advertising down our throats,HATE IT
Crosscheck commented
Astrology is OFFICIALLY considered blasphemous heresy in all Christian teachings...and there is no way to remove it. We NEED TO SUE THEM, force us to read it.
Crosscheck commented
Astrology is OFFICIALLY considered blasphemous heresy in all Christian teachings...and there is no way to remove it. We NEED TO SUE THEM, force us to read it. -
Michael Soo Hoo commented
Stop feeding me irrational content. Let me decide what I want to see.
Ken Yoder commented
1 ad every 5-6 emails. ENOUGH!