They are going to kill us all no matter what.
"Moderna conducting first human trials of HIV vaccine using mRNA technology"
The inventor of mRNA has stated that it is never, ever, to be used on humans under any circumstances. His warning is being totally ignored. He warned that it will kill anyone who takes such a shot and you know this. You are pushing death on the global masses. You, along with Fauci, Bill Gates, Soros, CDC, WHO etc think you have the right to choose who lives in your future world and who doesn't. It is so obvious what is really going on here yet the blind who you have programmed over the years welcome their death with open arms thinking you are all some kind of savior. In reality you are all devil's. Demon controlled S@tanists who hate humanity. When you die and stand before God and are judged you will be sent to the eternal lake of fire where you will burn forever and suffer pain. That is your future. Seek God's forgiveness now before it's too late.