What is the problem with posting real news? There are hundreds of news stories you are NOT posting, in particular about how this President of yours is destroying the very foundation on which this country was built on, daily there are happenings and all you report are garbage stories about nasty celebs and anyone posing naked! WHY? What the **** happened to news? This is nothing but lib opinions and articles about trashy people and reality tv! This is NOT journalism or news. Why can't you report fairly? Why is everything pro Biden and nothing else? The man is a completely incompetent moron as his the cackling hen VP we never see, NO President or VP in history hid from the public and failed at communicating to the Country the way this loser has and you can be ok with that, but report the REALITY! Post all the stories you want glorifying this disgusting fool who is ripping this country off, but post the real news of what is actually happening here and overseas. You MUST know he causes all of it, so people can't stand at your ridiculous reporting because its almost comical-- even YOU editors with your strict liberal alignment know its bad, we know that's why you can't report it. You all need to wake up, we get the news from plenty of other sites, you look like fools, repeating the same things over and over on the same page. Your "opinions" are not news and since you all have decided to make it about your opinions only, you need wake up and realize that just because you align to a certain party, doesn't mean that person is the best choice. As you watch all of our civil rights come to be challenged and the economy changes for the worst, think about it then. As you support flooding the country with illegals that are not being tested and who are going to be sped through immigration so he can get their votes then take over your jobs-- then you might realize a little something. Especially those of you who stand on the topic of covid and push vaccinations, WHY are you supporting a president who is flooding your country with unscreened, unvaccinated illegals coming from places that carry allot more risk for disease than covid!? Its all of you at yahoo, its not the public, its all your lib mentality and your not reporting professionally, ethically or honestly. It's pretty obvious many people are disturbed by your site, you've obviously lost allot of business, maybe you will wake up before you have to shut down. Not like we can't tell your on the losing end here what with all the disgusting fake ads you've taken on to compensate the loss of business! Ya know, if the majority feel this way, you might want to consider we might be on to something?! Proof's in the pudding- your leader is a communist. We fought hard to break away from that nightmare in this country and your all supporting and pushing this same nightmare down everyone's throat. You don't even know what you support, you just check off democratic vote and walk away. Open your eyes. Report Real News. This garbage and opinion your reporting is illogical.
Anonymous commented
Russ commented
bozos if you don't click on it it will go away...
Shawn commented
Oh yea because 1000 of my homosexuals back me up that they want more LGBT on yahoo to spread the. Just pointing out just because you say you have friend's doesn't mean you do. I read yahoo news everyday and rarely see any LGBT news. Quit being so biased
JF commented
They are all worthless and famous only because site like this keep publishing their trash. They got famous screwing, and they keep screwing us.
Janet Ivey commented
I came to this site for the exact same reason. I am tired to death of every Kardashian and Jenner. The endless stories about the wedding of a woman who has been married before, has not done anything of any importance for this world, starred in a *** tape that her momager has parlayed into a money making racket, was ridiculous. Now every time I go to my Yahoo homepage the whole family is on there! STOP it! This is the reason so many kids idolize these do nothings-what an easy way to make millions and get free publicity. I am going to have to do what D did-stop using yahoo mail and use gmail. Is there an app I can use to block stories about the K Klan? If not, that is a million dollar idea.
Anonymous commented
Also Duggars!
Anonymous commented
Could "yahoo" Post more Positive Things other than useless negative ****? more "Christ Jesus" less ****.
Anonymous commented
Hey Earl,
Here's a video of my former gay friend who used to call himself "Stacy". Now he uses his birth name "Matthew".
Another former gay friend I have was my second Bible study leader. He was the president of the LGBT club at my university. He used to pray that God would change his desires and one day God spoke to him in his bedroom saying, "Joe, today I'm going to give you new eyes." After that he found women to be attractive and then married one.
earl francart commented
you and your so called ex-gay friends are full of ****, anon. though I do agree with you about the Kardasians
Savannah commented
why stop posting stories about the kardashians or any jenners I mean everyday there is stories about anybody like you and they don't complain about it well kind of... lol
Anonymous commented
Add Bieber, Beyoncé and JayZ to this list as well.
Anonymous commented
Yes, Kim ******* and the rest are media hungry idiots whose day to day lives don't amount to much.
Anonymous commented
yeah who cares if kim tries to stuff 5 lbs of **** in a 2 lb bag and splits a seam on her skirt !!!!!!!!....all she has is a ******* and that seems to be more news worthy then what real news is to be, LMFAOROTF....
Jack Eddins commented
Yes, I am so sick of those people.
Alfred E. Newman commented
Please add Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, and all of the "so called" celebs that add no value to your website to the list of stories that need to be removed from this site. Yahoo News has great potential if you remove the "National Inquirer" factor mentioned by others. Are you a gossip site or news??At least Google moves their trash news to the bottom of the feed.
[Deleted User] commented
Even when I click on the option to show less of KARTRASHIAN news, it still comes up on my feed. STOP!! FOR THE LOVE OF THIS COUNTRY, STOP FEEDING PEOPLE KARDASHIAN ****!
Sean Combs commented
Yahoo, with your posts, news stories that rival the National Enquirer, Huffington Post news (you might as well post Duffle Blog news), you ads, and you layout.... You have ruined the internet experience. I think you have the worst email product on the internet. Thanks. Go Gmail, no ads and B.S. news articles.
TL commented
I'm switching my homepage right now. Tired of all the entertainment stories. Not enough important news..Problem is they know it, and are controlled by govt. and big business to hide and water down the important stories.
Mark commented
Stop the Kim ****. No one cares.
Anonymous commented
That is how Yahoo makes it money, through trash.