What is the problem with posting real news? There are hundreds of news stories you are NOT posting, in particular about how this President of yours is destroying the very foundation on which this country was built on, daily there are happenings and all you report are garbage stories about nasty celebs and anyone posing naked! WHY? What the **** happened to news? This is nothing but lib opinions and articles about trashy people and reality tv! This is NOT journalism or news. Why can't you report fairly? Why is everything pro Biden and nothing else? The man is a completely incompetent moron as his the cackling hen VP we never see, NO President or VP in history hid from the public and failed at communicating to the Country the way this loser has and you can be ok with that, but report the REALITY! Post all the stories you want glorifying this disgusting fool who is ripping this country off, but post the real news of what is actually happening here and overseas. You MUST know he causes all of it, so people can't stand at your ridiculous reporting because its almost comical-- even YOU editors with your strict liberal alignment know its bad, we know that's why you can't report it. You all need to wake up, we get the news from plenty of other sites, you look like fools, repeating the same things over and over on the same page. Your "opinions" are not news and since you all have decided to make it about your opinions only, you need wake up and realize that just because you align to a certain party, doesn't mean that person is the best choice. As you watch all of our civil rights come to be challenged and the economy changes for the worst, think about it then. As you support flooding the country with illegals that are not being tested and who are going to be sped through immigration so he can get their votes then take over your jobs-- then you might realize a little something. Especially those of you who stand on the topic of covid and push vaccinations, WHY are you supporting a president who is flooding your country with unscreened, unvaccinated illegals coming from places that carry allot more risk for disease than covid!? Its all of you at yahoo, its not the public, its all your lib mentality and your not reporting professionally, ethically or honestly. It's pretty obvious many people are disturbed by your site, you've obviously lost allot of business, maybe you will wake up before you have to shut down. Not like we can't tell your on the losing end here what with all the disgusting fake ads you've taken on to compensate the loss of business! Ya know, if the majority feel this way, you might want to consider we might be on to something?! Proof's in the pudding- your leader is a communist. We fought hard to break away from that nightmare in this country and your all supporting and pushing this same nightmare down everyone's throat. You don't even know what you support, you just check off democratic vote and walk away. Open your eyes. Report Real News. This garbage and opinion your reporting is illogical.
Jay commented
Does the Kardashians have an interest in YAHOO, I do not understand why these stories continue to cover their home page, I am about to switch home pages.
Anonymous commented
Does not interest me
John Wolff commented
If your staff are too lazy to do the work of finding newsworthy stories, and think they're on the 'in' crowd because one or more Kardashians "friend" them, or "tweet" them their self-promoting items....then you need to hire someone over 20 who has broader perception. Pop Slop isn't helping your customers be aware of this changing world.
Catherine von der Nuell commented
They are not worth my time to continuously have them posted on Yahoo. They are hardly a "roll model" for american youth, families or society. Why put them in your subscribers screens? Post more of Prince George if you need something to fill the pages. Maybe write about charities and are doing something good for society?
S morgan commented
I think yahoo is getting paid for Kardashian ads for the family. I wonder how much to have so many going on constantly. These are not news these are ads period
Keith Darity commented
I agree, they are trash and it makes me want to switch to MSN or Google for my home page!
Anonymous commented
I was just about to add this exact comment. I'm going to switch my homepage if you don't stop reporting on this family.
Anonymous commented
sick of these people on my computer, I will remove yahoo if I see this again
Anonymous commented
I think I'm going to remove Yahoo as my homepage also, you are absolutely right, it is not news. She is on the cover again, really obnoxious. They must forward info to Yahoo and they immediately post it
CoolWoman commented
Your news stories must be written by a 24 year old enamored with tabloid headlines. Can't you get a blend of generations to pop news in your headlines? Why pay the cheapest, hungriest newswriter out of college to write your stories? What is labeled as news is really "instagram" material. I think I am going to move search engines cause I have pretty much gotten tired of the faux news stories. Oh well...It was good while it lasted Yahoo!
taylor1277 commented
All Yahoo is today is a big tabloid. They get money everytime you click on Yahoo. Its like TMZ and the Sun newspaper tabloid. Tabloids sell. What do you think the D graded class of programmers at Yahoo is going to do anything to make Yahoo better. Tabloids sell
taylor1277 commented
Well you have to realize the ****** that Marissa Mayers is, they got rid of her at Google for a purpose. The reason you read stories like this from her and her new BFF Katey Couric is because she Marrisa thinks she is part of the Kardashian Klan because she buys their clothes.
Trace commented
simple put teens and tweens are what make yahoo, FB ect money, YAHOO does not care what people who live in the real world think
GO AWAY KARDASHIANS!!!!!! commented
Gregg commented
Get rid of these bozos!!! I am sick of seeing Kardashian this and that every frickin day on this site..
harry commented
Go back to the old Yahoo home page... what idiot always changes what's good to garbage??
Diana commented
Post a new idea? Go back to the old format.
Anonymous commented
what is going on web & e-mail are all messed up???????!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
yahoo is a liberal left wing media , what did you expect from these no minds??
Korki commented
WHY cant we BLOCK them?