So obvious that you are Democrats and racially biased.
So obvious that you are Democrats and racially biased. I'm about to quit your site. Change your tune!

schutzen-jager commented
absolutely true + accurate evaluation !!!
schutzen-jager commented
absoluetely TRUE + accurate statement !!!!!!
schutzen-jager commented
totally biased + socialist content - any emails you do not like are sent to spam
schutzen-jager commented
totally biased + socialist content
Ken Wolfe commented
I totally agree!!! Yahoo is now worse than the NY Times.
[Deleted User] commented
Seems they use people or their bots that censor that only have their own ideals and are imposed (censored) on all others that dont agree.
Rustic Haven commented
I agree.
[Deleted User] commented
I agree with you on this. Every comment I have posted that doesn't support Biden they review and remove. I am sick of YAHOO. and their biased ways.