You don't know me very well!
How about putting news in my feed that really matters to ME! The garbage I have to wade through to find a useful article is non-existent. Listen to the people that follow your pages. Make the front page about things we LIKE.

Timothy Martin commented
We need the option to block certain feeds as we liked. Yahoo took that option away.
Ron Hysom commented
Give the user the opportunity to block news sources they don't want in their feed! I know, I know Yahoo, it's difficult to imagine! Who would believe that EVERY OTHER MAJOR news aggregator allows users to block FOX NEWS - but not Yahoo - no siree. They decide the news they will allow you to see and there is nothing you can do about it. Weird.
Conroy Bourg commented
Let all users choose their feeds. don't push anything on anyone. it will be better for targeted marketing as well. i'm not talking about ads im talking about news stories.
Anna Parks commented
Please allow readers to BLOCK political news or at least put the 3 dot "see less" back in play. Thank you.
Anna Parks commented
Please allow readers to BLOCK political news or at least put the 3 dot "see less" back in play. Thank you.
C M commented
Let me hide news stories again. I absolutely despise your National Enquirer form of "news." Yahoo is part of the fake news problem this country is facing. You guys are just awful.
_ _ commented
This websites advertising would be more effective it if were paired with content we actually like.
I'm absolutely sick of all politics and I have never liked mainstream sports.
What I WANT to see: technology, business, science, nature, conservation, engineering, renewable energy innovations, and content that INFORMS and EDUCATES ME.
My homepage is mostly fear mongering and clickbait. It's horrible.
John Cougar Melonhead commented
Restore the user settings that used to accompany every article.
Dug C commented
Bring back the ability to reduce sources we don't like. My home page is nothing but huffpost, fox, salon, and now snopes!?!? All useless. I never click on any of them and so my yahoo page is pretty worthless. How many people need to complain about this before you do something?
Christian Arthur commented
You should give readers the ability to completely block certain news outlets from their homepage
Slumbering Joseph commented
You obviously don't like anything about gays or the Kardashians. Therefore, your opinion doesn't matter.....
Suspended Account commented
Give users to ability to curate their own data feeds - by source, by topic, by keyword.
Mary Garith commented
Don't like or care about politics. It's a sham I don't want any part in it