Another day of having my feed flooded with unwanted and irrelevant articles from a news outlet in the UK?
Working Class Americans commented
**** The Telegraph and Fox on Yahoo!
Ian Moone commented
Why the F is there so many of The Telegraph articles on my feed. Fix T this Yahoo you F*ING PIECE of SHT...
Ian Moone commented
Mike Luongo commented
Please stop posting articles from The Telegraph. It proves itself time and time again to be a terrible, unprofessional news outlet. From misspellings to almost click-bait like provocative ideas, The Telegraph constantly disappoints me, and should not be featured on Yahoo News. Please eliminate them, thank you.
Ian Moone commented
****** F@#king Yahoo Mods..You POS...Stop flooding my homepage with articles from the Telegraph
Genevieve Ard commented
'The Telegraph'? so far has shown nothing but hate speech that is objectionable to many. Stop posting it. The Telegraph is an English infotainment newspaper with zero worth.
Genevieve Ard commented
The Telegraph is an England based newspaper. I constantly see Telegraph infotainment articles that do NOT divulge the material contained are based solely within England/UK/Britain/Commonwealth Nation. Readers based within the US do NOT understand that the articles are talking SOLELY TO ENGLAND/UK/BRITAIN/COMMONWEALTH NATION and the comments prove it. Posting these infotainment articles are inflammatory, misguided, nonsensical and harmful to the US Public.
T R commented
Yahoo = Fox News
T R commented
Are they paying you to promote this utterly useless rag?
Matthew Berg Ward commented
I am open towards a variety of political points of view. But I am sick and tired of of the Telegraph's endless transphobia in my news feed.
T R commented
I'm not English, Welsh or Scottish so why do you flood my feed with British news- with a hard right wing ***** to boot. Enough!