Stop censoring negative comments regarding Fox News' lies.
Why are comments regarding Fox News repeatedly prevented from posting by Yahoo!. Fox News is a lie factory and has no place in a legitimate news feed.

TAMU 712 commented
My comments are always rejected. This censorship needs to stop ASAP.
My comments are rejected outright....I must be on a ban all comments list.
Please allow my comments.....I wish you would allow free speech.
Barton Tromley commented
comment failed to reason given, just comment failed to publish...guess you are too busy sucking up to trump be considered a news source anymore...just keep publishing repud lies and block those who try to counter them...
Jason Bane commented
Your community guidelines are vague. Every comment I post on an article has been rejected for violating community guidelines. Despite being the most vanilla comment imaginable. Do better.
Dan Anderson commented
As of today I have stopped commenting on Yahoo! articles. The AI has gotten ridiculous and now filters out even legitimate comments. Congratulations Yahoo!, you have succeeded in making yourself completely obsolete.
J L commented
Your algorithms for 'censoring' FREE speech need revising down. It appears that more Liberal speech is accepted over Conservative comments. FB's Zuckerberg has 'seen the light.' Yahoo needs to follow suit!
Steve H commented
Poor little thing. Still whining.
Steve H commented
Why have you removed the ability to reply to comments? CAN'T HANDLE A DIFFERENT OPINION?
Patrick McGovern commented
When people try to make comments on your website, stop censoring that **** and actually let people talk. So ******* sick of that ********. You cowardly *** dogs might as well have just left the ******** comments turned off permanently.
Michael Rumfelt commented
This is resulting in you losing business due to censorship. I just transitioned my company to another platform, even banning the Yahoo home page from our servers. Changing rules and offending 60% of your customers to bend over backwards to appease 15% of your clientel kills your business. The censors should be used if anyone is pushing hate or violence, but not when no threat exists. I was the last one in my IT department to still use Yahoo, just because the format was familiar and easy to use. Your reputation now is really bad because you demand everyone agree with everything you publish. Why even have comments?
TERESA VOSS commented
community standards holds are out of control.
trapper g commented
ease up on the censorship & fire the ones that are abusing the right to freedom of speech
trapper g commented
censorship problem allowed for a post like this us wrong
RIP Jimmy your job is done ty for your service
is not allowed to post -
[Deleted User] commented
Fox News is the only Truthful and Legitimate News Network. It's CNN, MSNBC and the Mainstream Media who spread Lies and Propaganda.
Eddie Holloway commented
How about you Yahoo, stop censoring people. Let us talk and have conversations in the comment section. There is no reason to censor replys in the comment section just because the right and the left are conversing. Let us talk to each other, thats how we find out the truth and get other peoples opinions. It helps the people come together, unless that is not what you Yahoo wants. So tell us Yahoo, do you want unity or do you want to continue to censor and refuse peoples rights to free speach??????
Travis Suzan Joslin commented
T R, you should LOVE this new format. Only thing it has is demoncratic party lies. Have fun with it.... I'm out of here.
Mike Luongo commented
There is a movie called Queer in the theaters currently. If I want to reference the movie, my comment is rejected for violating the community standards. I believe the censor needs to be updated to include "Queer" so we can discuss a currently released movie. There is nothing offensive about the word any longer, and I believe our societal standards have changed, and this word should not be viewed as a violation of Yahoo's community standards. Thank you.
Jon Samaha commented
OpenWeb bans people eternally. "Community Guidelines" are subjective, and censors people without letting them know which guideline was violated.
Tom Klis commented
Yahoo sucketh. I didn't realize you forbade so many people their chance to express their opinions (even though courtesy and appropriate language was used. You have alienated so many people. I'm going to leave and find a "REAL" news agency.
D Callahan commented
Yahoo rejects comments that are innocuous in and of themselves. Apparently there are some "trigger" words. Ex: today I used a word in my comment, that was what the very article was about-- the word was
"s p e r m". My comment wasn't suggestive, rude, "dirty" or anything negative. I simply used that word. And Yahoo does that with so many comments. An article about suicide, you can't mention suicide in your comment, even when quoting. Yahoo makes no sense more often than not -
Richard Warner commented
enough with your nonsense arbitrary censorship! How moronic and naive can you be?