I try to get some news here. And some interesting comments. Mostly, I get chick stuff about makeup. The algorithms are not working.
I am a dude. My idea is to use your algorithms to tailor content to me. I don't want, read or need the plethora of articles about which dry makeup brush to use, winter make up tips, gel shampoo conditioner and thickner to make my hair look fuller, bring out highlights that match my eyebrows, ear rings, and nail polish on a date Friday night with an ex who is a friend of a once famous model in Elbonia who now has packing trips for weekend getaways with the trainer at the gym who looks like the rock and is as smart as . . . a rock. Come on, if you are going to send me noise and eye pollution, at least make it a hot chick in a bikini, or less, that likes old guys.

gregory rea commented
You are quickly becoming a combination of the Cosmo, US Weekly, Girl Magazine and Teen with a healthy spin on Fox stories. Really, if your content is all junk generated for likes and hits/ click bait, just pay some interns at Community College to run your site. It really is immature, and just so gddm chick focused it is nauseating. I don't want to see headlines everyday about chicks personal issues with you know what, and how to look **** in a bikini in November walking down Wall St in NY. I mean . . . really???