NO Mobile Number required!!!
There is NO reason that you need my mobile number in order to create and account!! I don't want you to have that number !! I should NOT be REQUIRED to enter it in order to sign up for an account!! I attempted to create an account for my son, only to find out that I had to enter my personal mobile number in order to receive a "code" that had to be verified before I can use this account!
I should simply be able to sign up for a free account, like I was able to do 10 years ago!! Not now!! Forget these stupid codes and the other B.S. requirements in order to create new accounts!!! This is a guaranteed way to lose customers!! You don't need every single bit of my personal info!! And I won't give it to you!!
If you want me to create an account for my son, then you need to change the requirements! I can handle the age thing, not being able to sign up if under the age of 13. Fine! But stop asking for stuff you don't need!
Also---LOSE THE ADDS!! There are WAY TO MANY!!! Your web page is slower than a DSL connection already, and the addition of all the adds is only making it worse!! There is a reason I went to a different server for my e-mail account! Yours is now only used for junk mail!!
Anonymous commented
Quit bugging me to give you my cellphone number. I don't have a cellphone!!!
Anonymous commented
I refuse to give the mobile app my phone number. I am uninstalling the product.
Kim commented
On the web browser version it has allowed me to skip adding my mobile number. But since the phone app updated today, I can no longer log in there without providing my number. The skip option is absent. I guess I won't be using YM on my pone anymore. App deleted.
Harold Wright commented
Absolutely NO point in you guys having my my cell number other than to peddle it to people I do NOT want to waste airtime on. It's annoying enough having to delete reams of unsolicited SPAM every tine I check my e-mail, but at least that doesn't cost me anyting.
Anonymous commented
this i agrees with 100%. there is NO reason AT ALL to require me to provide information to yahoo, or anyone else for that matter, that i don't want to give. when you ****** start paying my bills then you can require all you want. you can't advertise "free e-mail" if you require all my personal info in order to use it, what's next you need my **** size, or is this just free to women. so until you do start paying my bills or turn into GOD, get this junk fixed because i'm the ******* that will get lawyers involved for whatever i can call it just to make a point to ***** companies that think they run the world.
MidiMagic commented
I do not have a cell phone and I never intend to have one. I hate the existence of cell phones.
Why? Several reasons:
1. The only two property damage auto accidents I was ever in were caused by the other driver distracted by being on the phone. And this was years before texting.
In one of the cases, the officer had to take the phone away from the other driver. It kept ringing and the driver kept answering.
2. Cell phones disrupt the college classes I used to teach. In addition, people used the cameras on cell phone to cheat on the tests.
3. Cell phones are the reason Microsoft changed to Windows 7. 8. and 10. I hate all of those versions b3ecause th3ey are much harder to use.
4. They want me to change all of my web pages to be cell phone compatible. That could take 20 years.
5. Cell phones took away analog TV and made some of my ham radio equipment useless.
You have no right to require a cell phone number because you have no right to require anyone to have a cell phone.
You also have no right to require social media membership to comment.
Anonymous commented
I strongly agree with the objection to requiring a mobile number. As with another commenter, I have no mobile phone.
I had an account which has been deactivated. However, I can't create an account as I have no mobile phone. I realize Yahoo is making a push for mobile, but Yahoo is alienating me by REQUIRING such.
Anonymous commented
Thank you!!!!! This is so unbelieveable and I cannot understand the thought process behind entering more than my name in order to obtain an email address!!!! There is no need to hand over all of this info to get a FREE email address, this is ridiculous!
Anonymous commented
LOL! You think Yahoo cares about this? their entire site is run by libtards who work for the gov't and kiss obama's butt. They want as much info on you as possible, pretty soon we'll all be required to give our SSN to sign up, Yahoo is a joke like every other liberal in the world.
Anonymous commented
I agree it is like BIG Brother wanting to know are information to much as a matter of fact
Anonymous commented
I hate this too... but my problem is now, my account is locked because I cannot remember the password, silly me... and the phone number that I used for this account is no longer valid! I got my number changed. OMG... NOW I can't get customer service to answer the dang phone, because it's no giving me any other options to reset my password, except to message that invalid number. I called and actually talked to some lady the other day who got my info, and then dropped my call. Since then, I haven't been able to get through the CS line. This makes me very angry, as I have important mail sent to this address and now I can't log into the account. I see a change to Google soon. Stupid yahoo.
A phone number is not required its optional ( simply click the option that says not right now) and its simply an addition security feature / password protection recovery feature. I understand you feel the need to protect your personal information from the big bad world and its perfectly reasonable. but to go as far as to say " you will lose a customer"... making EMPTY THREATS ( because lets face it your not going to stop using yahoo, you said it your self "Yours is now only used for junk mail!! " which means you are using it.) against a company that provides you will a FREE service that cost you nothing but a little bit of your time with an AD every now and again..
Those adds help pay for the email service. That's how Yahoo is able to hire writers, pay for programmers, and buy the unbelievably expensive storage servers in order to operate. ( We're talking about technology that cost as much as a house for a single unit and they are running millions of units that... well like all PC's must be replaced every few years in order to stay up to date and speed with surrounding technology.
Anyways, there is no reason not to want to protect your privacy, there is just no reason to rant like a 10 year child who didn't get what he/she wanted. Unless of course you are a 10 year old child. in that case, please by all means continue your rant.
larry p commented
Yes, requiring a cell phone for new accounts is a really *stupid* idea. So, now, I can't help my elderly mother get a yahoo account because she doesn't have a cell phone. Thus, she can't communicate with her grandchildren via email, unless of course, I get her a gmail account instead. Why do you want to drive business away?
Some people use yahoo email accounts for business or civic organizations (e.g., but they can't get such accounts. Now, they're stuck going to gmail. Why not just suggest everyone go to gmail first thing and save them the time for trying, and failing, to get a yahoo account? Really dumb business practices.
I'm guessing that yahooGroups are no longer viable because people without cell-phone numbers can't sign up with a Yahoo ID. I once moderated a thriving YahooGroup. But you've doomed it to thrive no more.
I could go on. Someone "upstairs" doesn't have much in his or her own "upstairs". Really dumb business decisions have caused Yahoo to dwindle in market share for a good ten or so years. Now you've pretty much guaranteed your own demise.
Anonymous commented
WHY is Yahoo constantly trying to get my phone number? Now they're threatening to cut off my account if I don't provide you with one! While in college, I'm on my parents plan and they don't want me to give it out.
Can not make account commented
I have a cell phone. It just tells me that my number is invalid. Funny, I receive calls and texts all the time. I also have Google Voice number. That number is invalid too. Silly me, I thought it worked, and so do the people who call me.
So, I don't have a Yahoo account, and I guess I never will.
Juanita Glass commented
I do not have a cell phone. Not one. I cannot give you a number for cell I do not have. Please quit asking.