Yahoo Homepage
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644 results found
yahoo and newsweak should be sued for libel
how about an article covering the lawsuit for libel that the FCC and the FTC will be bringing against yahoo and newsweak? lets do an article on that.
I hate the new way to not scroll thru on yahoo!!!!
Put the old yahoo back!!! HATE HATE HATE HATE this new format!!! Why do I have to be a member of everything????? Can't I just have my own opinion without being a stupid ridiculous irritating member???? Utterly IRRITATING!!!!! WTH?????
BG stories and Musk
Yahoo, If you read the responses about BG and Mr. Musk No one cares about her or him. You are attempting to change our minds which we won't do. Every timeI i see another story about her I want to Vomit
Stop printing racist articles. If you keep doing it, you need to print both sides.
Stop printing racist articles. Show both sides. Be fair.
Bring back commenting you **** chicken **** babies!!!!
Bring back commenting you **** chicken **** babies!!!!
PROVE IT! ...If we must prove we have a vaccine, then so do the workers who serve us! It is only right and logical. meanwhile, they must also prove, their employees don't have Pneumonia, Influenza, TB, any and all virus variants. Also, no herpes or VD of any kind. Also, proof that the bathrooms are sanitized, as well as all surfaces and chairs! it's only the right thing to do!
where is the news about the purple hair Instacart driver destroying a retired couples groceries cause she saw a support the police sign
this is something your viewers would need to know
Call for 'welfare checks': A "Social Justice Coalition Against Adverse Platforms Act!"
'We the people' HIGHLY believe ever since the 'whistleblower' Frances von Haugens presented her 'Facebook Manifesto' of 10,000 pages of 'hard evidence' against (disgraced) Facebook for 'disorderly conduct' & 'reckless behavior' the need is now extremely 'URGENT' to 'police & monitor' these 'suspicious' platforms with 'welfare checks!' These platforms 'insist' they have the 'right' to 'manipulate & arbitrate' our 'free speech!' However, we HIGHLY believe this is an act of "loophole corruption" of our Constitution in order to 'IMPOSE & SABOTAGE' our 'FREE SPEECH' like (political discourse!) Therefore it is appropriate to SIGN into LAW a "Social Justice Coalition Against…
'WE' unite for 'JUSTICE': A "Patriots United for Strict Regulations Statute!"
'We the people' INSIST it is now time for the extremely 'URGENT' need to 'police' & 'monitor' these (disorderly conduct) platforms with much heavier 'strict regulations' to 'STOP' any 'reckless behavior' & 'wrongful misconduct' against the users! These platforms 'insist' they have the 'right' to 'manipulate & arbitrate' our 'free speech!' However, we beg to differ to very HIGHLY believe these platforms 'DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT' to 'RIG, deny, censor, prohibit, abridge, impose, interfere, infringe, violate or even 'SABOTAGE' our 'FREE SPEECH' AT ANY TIME! Therefore it is appropriate to SIGN into LAW a "Patriots United for Strict Regulations…
'TAKE BACK' our 'VOICE': This calls for a "Citizens for Free Speech Sovereignty Act!"
'We the people' HIGHLY believe that (disorderly conduct) platforms are trying to 'secretly program' very deviate & deliberate "corrupt algorithms" as well as weaponize biased 'moderation ABUSE' in order to 'sequester' our 'FREE SPEECH!' We also believe that tech executives are 'NOT' elected officials who are 'NOT' properly qualified politicians, lawmakers or lobbyists who think they are 'privileged' to 'rig up & manipulate' our 'FREE SPEECH!' Because of the very HIGH 'suspicion' of 'disorderly conduct' by platforms it is time to 'TAKE BACK' our 'VOICE!' Make our 'FREE SPEECH' the 'RIGHT' to be 'sovereign!' Therefore it is very 'URGENT' for…
'GREAT IDEA' to 'ENFORCE': All states join legislation with Governors Ron DeSantis & Greg Abbott for 'FREE SPEECH!'
'We the people' the time has now 'URGENTLY' come to exercise our 'GREAT' patriotism to 'STAND & DELIVER' in the 'FIGHT FOR JUSTICE' for our 'freedom of speech' & our 'freedom of expression!' It is our patriotic duty & honor to 'TAKE BACK' what 'rightfully belongs' to American citizens from sea to shinning sea to hereby proclaim & declare to ordain by decree our NEW 'Independence Day' for 'FREE SPEECH!' It is time to 'OUTLAW' the 'private sector entity' very 'corrupt excuse' in order to "backslide" 'strict regulations!' Therefore 'we the citizens' of America 'URGENTLY' ask Congress or all states…
Long 'overdue' policy: Make it 'LAW' a "Strict Parameters for Content Moderation Act!"
'We the people' now HIGHLY believe because of all the media attention the 'whistleblower' Francis von Haugens has gotten for presenting like 10,000 pages of 'hard evidence' against (disgraced) Facebook, 'WHO ELSE' is "GUILTY" of committing 'disorderly conduct' against us users!? Is it predictable that 'other platforms' will follow suit of this 'reckless behavior' which can be 'PROOF' these 'social networks' are 'incapable' to 'self-regulate' in a 'professional manner!?' The 'ONLY' parameters of 'content moderation' are supposed to be (hate, harassment, obscenity, misinformation & violence!) We believe all other content like (political discourse) is our 'LEGAL FREE SPEECH' NOT to…
'Reverse engineer' the internet: 'Mandate' our 'FREE SPEECH' has 'rightful jurisdiction' on platforms!
'We the people' have come to believe the time is now 'URGENT' to 'CALL TO ACTION' to 'reverse engineer' the internet! Yes, this also means a call to 'reverse engineer' the 'role & purpose' of platforms! With the recent 'disorderly conduct' of (disgraced) Facebook this proves platforms show to be 'incapable' to 'self-regulate' with 'integrity & transparency!' It is time to 'invalidate' the "private sector entity" excuse to 'EVADE' strict regulation! Therefore if there is a 'World Internet Conference' let's include to 'reverse engineer' platforms to 'MANDATE' our 'FREE SPEECH' has 'rightful jurisdiction' in full force & effect 'AT ALL…
'Strict regulations': Begin bipartisan coalition of state attorney generals investigations!
'We the people' have long 'suspicioned' that platforms have been committing years of 'disorderly conduct' against their users! Now that the 'whistleblower' Francis von Haugens has blown this case 'WIDE OPEN' we do believe that 'other' platforms would also be so predictable & 'STUPID' enough to also follow in the footsteps of (disgraced) Facebook to 'ALSO' commit 'disorderly conduct' against their users as well! Whether they are causing potential harm or rigging up our 'free speech' it is now time for 'rigorous investigations' & 'strict regulations!' Let's begin to 'ENFORCE' our 'FREE SPEECH!' It's time to put an end to…
Social network 'ALERT': The 'URGENCY' for 'NEW' perspective with the evolution of the internet!
We have all been informed everyday about the all new amazing "Metaverse" as the next evolution of the internet. OH REALLY are we sure about being ready for the 'Metaverse' when we have yet to reestablish our 'FREE SPEECH!?' 'We the people' should be just as excited about the 'importance' of our 'free speech' with the evolution of the internet! This is a 'CALL TO ACTION' to recognize 'NEW' perspective about the 'role & purpose' of the 'internet & social networks!' Want 'new' perspective!? How about we begin to 'neutralize' the infamous "private sector entity" LAME excuse in order to…
Social media 'MANDATE': We MUST decree our 'free speech is non negotiable!'
'We the people' & critics have noticed these 'private sector entities' think they are like so darn 'OVER' privileged to just prance around to 'rig & manipulate' our 'Bill of Rights!' They should have 'NEVER' been allowed in the first place to be 'privileged' to negotiate our 'FREE SPEECH!' What should be negotiated is what our 'free speech' 'IS' & what our 'free speech' is 'NOT!' The 'ONLY' negotiated area should be the 'derogatory content!' Go ahead let the platforms moderate hate, harassment, obscenity, misinformation & violence! Beyond that we believe our 'FREE SPEECH' is 'STILL' valid! Our comments &…
Internet 'REBRAND': Enter the "MetaSphere for Rightful Free Speech Act!"
'We the people' have heard that (disgraced) Facebook wants to "rebrand" their (tarnished) name! Although this action may seem perfectly legal it could also be a very 'selfish idea' for a platform to only think of their own 'special interests!' 'We the people' beg to differ! Instead of just 'ONE' "entity" getting all the attention to 'rebrand' themselves to suit 'ONLY' their own "special interests" how about we 'REBRAND' the internet!? This is a 'CALL TO ACTION' to SIGN into LAW a "MetaSphere for Rightful Free Speech Act!" This means 'make it law' to make it 'MANDATORY' that our constitutional…
Shared equal cyber space: Ordain a "People United for Free Speech Jurisdiction Act!"
When our forefathers established our 'Bill of Rights' in 1791 'we the people' would believe it was understood that our 'FREE SPEECH' had 'jurisdiction' where ever our 'freedom of expression' was expressed! Perhaps what our forefathers did not know in the distant future that a bunch of 'whiney complaining' corporate 'COWARDS' would try to 'impose' on our 'FREE SPEECH' what we believe is 'moderation ABUSE' to 'deny, censor, prohibit & abridge' our 'freedom of expression' like (political discourse!) 'We the people' beg to differ! Where ever we express our 'free speech' like on (platforms) we believe our 'FREE SPEECH' has…
Forget the 'Metaverse': Initiate a "Freeverse Act" for 'free & fair' internet 'FREE SPEECH!'
'We the people' are getting second thoughts about what exactly is the 'function' of this "Metaverse!" We can bet that this "mysterious rebrand" may 'NOT' necessarily put all their 'auspicious focus' on 'FREE SPEECH!' Just the name alone 'Metaverse' appears to be very 'intimidating' as an 'INSANE DISEASE' in the quest for 'MORE' extreme 'WEALTH & POWER!' We believe in a "free universe" & that we 'deserve' our voice to be heard with our 'freedom of expression' in an 'open, free & fair' marketplace communication of ideas to share our interests & passions! Therefore let's SIGN into LAW a "Freeverse…
'THIS IS OUR TOWN': Let's mandate "Platform infrastructure digital overhaul!"
With the recent events surrounding the 'disorderly conduct' of (disgraced) Facebook 'we the people' & critics have come to realize now is the very 'URGENT' time for tough 'regulation' to 'step up to the plate' with the 'STRICT ENFORCEMENT' of "platform infrastructure digital overhaul!" These 'wrongdoing' platforms have had 'their way' for 'FAR TOO LONG' of the 'deviate practice' to put 'PROFIT' over people! We believe it is now time for Congress to 'step forward' to SIGN into LAW 'new bills' to begin the 'REFORM & MAJOR OVERHAUL' of these 'misleading' platforms! Research shows that they are 'incapable' to voluntarily…
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