The fact that I got this app last night and tried to go into it today, finding that all of my points already expired, is why I am deleting it after this suggestion. It just wiped out 270 points in my account overnight. For real, what person has time to sit and do nothing but watch videos on this app to earn enough points to get anything in 24 hours? Allow them to add up. I thought this was kind of a fun way to pass the time, but when I can’t do anything with what I earn because I can’t sit and play to ear 6000 points a day.. that’s ridiculous. Good luck with your app. Some people must enjoy it because it’s obviously still being used. However, for the rest of us who have more to do that spend 24 hours a day watching these videos, this app will find the garbage.

Hello Stephanie,
We are sorry to hear that your points were not redeemed by the weekly cut off of Sunday at 8:59pm. We will take this feedback into consideration moving forward!
Have a great day and thank you for your feedback!
Yahoo Play
Tina commented
I have submitted ideas and comments on here. I think maybe we should just all quit playing this game. Beings we’re earning all these points now and we’re not able to use them on anything we want. I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way. I already quit playing it for over a month one time because I couldn’t get over 1000 points before the expired now that that has changed I’m getting gobs of points and can’t use any of them because the stuff I want is not available anymore??? I’m at a loss. Does anybody else feel this way?
Tina commented
I love the fact that we are able to have the points accumulate until the end of the year. However now that I am able to accumulate my points the things that I want are not available they are out of stock. This needs to change we need more gift cards and more items. Get rid of all the coupons. Because honestly if someone gets a gift card for those places the coupons are available for them there would know need for a coupon. So take out the coupons and make gift cards for those places. And we need more more items. Bluetooth speakers. Earbuds. Clothing. Sunglasses. Watches. Anything like that would be awesome. We do work really hard for these points to get an award and I think our wishes should be granted I know that these items are free and so you have to be limited on what you are able to give out for free show we should expect that however everybody should have a fair chance. I don’t not know how long this game has been around but I’m sure it will keep working on getting more and more improved as the months go by so let’s pray for that and keep on playing :-) sorry I am being long-winded but I just wanted to show my appreciation as well. I would like to thank Yahoo for putting something out there that is VE I *** family. And what I mean by that is I am visually impaired and the accessibility features on my iPhone are allowing me to be able to play this app so thank you Yahoo and I like the variety of shows that we watch and questions that we answer and I love the music that you choose for the drop :-)
Erica commented
It’s so annoying that the best rewards are so popular now that they are always “sold out”! I never even have a chance to get any gift cards anymore because they’re always out of stock and that’s unfair. Especially when I spend ALL WEEK racking up points only to not even be able to get a good reward. STOCK MORE GIFT CARDS OR DO SOMETHING TO RESOLVE THIS ISSUE. Those of us who have been using this app since it first became a thing deserve our rewards!
Aryn commented
I’ve just downloaded this app yesterday and earned over 1,700 points. But my points will be refreshed in 22 hours, and you know what else happens in that 22 hours? The rewards refresh. I’ve earned enough points to get my reward but only to have my points erased before I even buy it??
You should refresh the points the same time the rewards will be open again, because that means I have to wait more days to buy the rewards.
There should be a warning once you download this app so I would know not to get points before Sunday. I say that this is outrageous. Now, before I warn my points back, all the rewards will be Gina. Again. I’m very disappointed.
Ari commented
Points expired at 8 PM? How is that fair?
Tina commented
What are the lifetime points for?
Me commented
Guys I think it makes sense because these are like cash prizes if they don’t expire then it’s going to be super easy for you to get things like the gift cards. Yahoo would literally lose a lot of money. It makes sense because Yahoo has to make it hard for you to earn them because things like the $50 gift card would be super easy to get if the points never expired.
Summer C. commented
I agree. I think points should stay and accumulate, not be reset because people hope for certain rewards and if we can’t get them in time the points reset and all our hard work was for nothing