Restore article commenting.
Restore article commenting.
[Deleted User] commented
In this world today I would think Yahoo being or should be impartial and non-biased to what is deemed non-popular ideas or speech. Please reinstate the comments and if it hurts someones feelings they can always respond or just not read them.
margie bufano commented
It was great having our comments back. What happened?
Ongelo Coit commented
I don't want to see articles that deny me an opinion. Therefore I think those like me would prefer a setting that blocks all news articles that don't allow for a person to respond with their opinion on a topic.
James Hutchinson commented
Remember what happened with twitter censoring people. Elon Musk has enough money left to buy your rag out to. Be very careful he may not be done yet it might be he's just getting started.
Greg Curry commented
If do are not going to allow viable comments to items you publish, then why publish them? You should be a neutral news agency which allows comments on the items you publish! This is freedom of the press along with freedom of speech.
skip knight commented
Simple. Allow people to voice their opinions!
Joe G commented
Let people comment on the news stories.
Scooter Papagergio commented
yahoo is afraid of the conservatives voice
Kathy S***E commented
What is Yahoo afraid of?
Olga Palacios commented
You need to post both sides! you cannot post an either "left wing or right wing article, and then say no comments allowed. By doing so, you are preventing, and shutting up the American people to either agree or disagree with whatever hypothesis. That means you are manipulating the media, hence people beliefs and ideologies. I think you have forgotten that just the way some of us have our own "crazy" ideas, and have the right to express them, so are those who do not think like us! What gives you that right, but that others cannot have the same right?! Just for that, I don't like you, and I will do anything and everything in my power to bring you down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112
John Doe commented
Why, Yahoo just deltes them...
John Doe commented
Why, Yahoo just deletes them...
Scooter Papagergio commented
you turn off comments on Biden articles but allow them on Trump?
we know you are a liberal new outlet but far is ****. -
Ryan Cunningham commented
What makes this worse then stated is this current version on stories where there are comments they are turning the comment into circle jerks. Take "SECURE Act 2.0 Passes House, Signaling Massive Retirement Savings and Investment Policy Shift" This is a story that got released eariler today with comment opened. I was commenting debating the merit of basically choose to by default have your wages be deducted to be placed on wall street considering wall street is entirely shifted for the rich and broken in many ways. Suddenly on my end the comments got closed down supposedly "Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting" where the comments should be. Did you know that's only for you likely you have been reported by someone else who disagrees with you. I never used fowl wording, insulted anyone, or even was rude. I was sure replied to with insults by one dude more then once. Yet Not only is that person Who insulted me multiple times still commenting on the story, but so was another dude I was enjoying debating with. How do I know? because yahoo for hours sent me emails dated long after the comments were supposedly closed on how they were replying to my messages. Yahoo basically has made a system the 1st to report controls the comments apparently. How is this a safe and engaging place for healthy comments. The most toxic person get's to silence everyone else via the report system.
Carolyn Smith commented
Where is Elon Musk when you need him? Yahoo has silenced dissenting opinions. Yahoo is a one sided liberal rag
belly commented
Yahoo, there is simply no demand by your average reader to restore comments. You have the numbers, the few commenters here in support for commenting, is not compelling enough to allow the hate and mis-information, that they regularly provide. Stay the course, for a happier general public. The public that does not have the time, to read the inane thoughts of the socially unfit.
Figure it out.Your one sided views remind me of what I do on the toilet.
We are tired of Huff post,New York Times LA Times and your whole hoard of liberal journalists.
J Nolastname commented
Discussion, communication, the free exchange of opinions and debate are how problems are solved
Problems are NOT solved by, Silence, Propaganda or stifling or controlling, Discussion, communication, the free exchange of opinions and debate.
Get that through your thick heads yahoo or you are no better than the Russians.
Chris S commented
Turn comments back on, and quit blocking comments simply because they point out your hypocrisy, bias and ignorance.