I typed ‘good morning yahoo’ and it was rejected as a yahoo comment !!!
What is your major dysfunction yahoo, oh I forgot, everything related to running an effective and functional platform.
Leaving Verizon really soon too!

[Deleted User] commented
I no longer wish to participate with anything that yahoo offers because your censorship is so over the top that I actually said hi in response to a comment and it was rejected. Clearly yahoo has an agenda., the news articles are poorly written and biased.
Arthur Garratt commented
Find a safe space. Yahoo employees nothing but liberal crybabies. Stop censoring conservative voices. Try being less like commies.
Steve Fox commented
I constantly get an immediate rejection when I post a fact that is not offensive but yahoo does not like. For example, Hispanics and blacks and the two lowest earning income groups in America. That is not racist or biased in any way shape or form but when I try to post anything stating that to make a point that we need to try to address that to try to raise those earnings upward, I get a message immediately that my comment is rejected. Yahoo needs a better algorithm than one that simply sees “blacks are a low earning group so immediate rejection”. When you post something that is needed to educate people, sometimes a fact is not all sunshine’s and rainbows but a fact is fact so let people see it so they can try to change it. Don’t assume everything is racist. Free speech is so much more important than the few people who probably are trying to post something bad. You have got to let us post things that can help move the needle on issues
Brian Graham commented
Same here. Last time Yahoo let me post, I copied and pasted from the article and Yahoo said it was bad...
Kelly F commented
The rejection should explicitly state what part of the comment went against the community guidance.
John Kelly commented
You people reject comments for no apparent reason. You allow right wing opinions without a glance. If someone calmly and eloquently responds ….they're rejected.
You are the pieces of **** that left wing activists bombed with cause in the 60s and early 70s. -
Dennis Deverin commented
Encourage open, honest discussion ( no improper language allowed).. That is how we share thoughts as adults. Are you afraid that I might sway someone, when everyone is locked in a bias mold??
Robert Pratt commented
My post, in non-offensive terms, described the 3/5 compromise. Because of its subject matter, i.e. slavery, and African-Americans being counted as less than full persons, the post was rejected. In the post, I was explaining why it would be difficult to discuss the 3/5 compromise in class because of a new law. I do believe I have had it. One cannot even discuss unpleasant subjects, even to rail against them or offer factual, unbiased information about them. You are about to make me a better person. As soon as I see that my NCAA pics in your bracket contest are worthless (which they probably will be.), I will be canceling my account with yahoo…. because your algorithms make your company seem that it is run by by a bunch of yahoos. Thanks to your incompetence, I will avoid much Snark and drama by avoiding the comment section. Google has already eaten your lunch; Ash enjoy, watching them, finish by breaking your crockery and selling your dining room table on craigslist. Be sure to mention this whoever is above you in the food chain, when they are peeing their pants about losing membership.
- - commented
Freedom of speech Yahoo!
James White commented
Stop the onerous censoring of comments that do not violate the terms of use. Ir is as if I had been banned for no good reason.
Robert Pratt commented
No curse words, no politician named, no party or policy promoted. I was discussing / debating politely with another commenter about the value of preschool in education. My comment was rejected for “violating guidelines” while never explaining what sort of guidelines it violated…and no way to even ask for clarification. You have two days to explain this policy to my email account, and the explanation had best make sense. Otherwise I will be deleting this yahoo account.
phukyahoo user commented
You know I'm not the only person up your *** about throttling free speech.
phukyahoo user commented
Stop being so damned arbitrary with your censorship of free thoughts and ideas. I can go into any comment section and find at least a dozen comments that if I copy and paste them your censors will immediately reject mine. What's good for one is good for all. I tried today to comment on how racist one of your articles was, which 99% of commenters are doing, once I type the word "racist" without masking it from your bullsh_t censorship, my comment gets rejected.
Deborah Williams commented
You’ve got to do a better job of moderating racist comments about Black people in the comment section. It appears that you let racist people say all kinds of false and stereotypic things about Black people. This is not helpful
Christina Sluberski commented
You need to get your 'bots' in order, make a website that works (like this page) and stop killing us with your avoidance of ideas.
Christina Sluberski commented
Why do you reject a comment that is a direct quote (with quotations) from an article????????? Fine tune your robots. Key words my eye.
Daniel Berube commented
Your A I generated editing and review of people’s posts are backfiring. Free speech! What you’re doing is wrong! I’ve posted comments that are rejected for no reason that did not violate guidelines. Whoever came up with the AI monitoring should be fired. ********!!!
Miles Uygun commented
Every time I make a comment it says it doesn’t go by your guidelines. Well, guess what the constitution is the guideline we all go by and you are suppressing my freedom of speech by not letting me respond. In the US, you can take legal action if you've been silenced for expressing your political views or speaking out. To win a case against first amendment retaliation, an attorney must prove three things:
Your expression was protected
An adverse reaction that would deter a “person of ordinary firmness” was taken against you -
Bonnie Hartley commented
Bonnie Hartley commented
Who is in charge of rejections?