Yahoo users should get a voice or a chance to rate Yahoo's "journalists".
The "journalists" employed by Yahoo very often sound like this is the first article they've ever written. Horrible grammar and spelling, left out words and, some of the most biased journalism I've personally ever read. It makes me sick to think that someone with these kinds of views can hold a job let alone be encouraged to continue. Your news outlet as a whole is a joke.
John Houde commented
These "journalists" should be forced to read all comments on their articles from EVERYONE, and then get rated and if they do not meet a minimum standard of rating, they are not allowed to post their liberal opinions again for a month, and if they get rated down again, they're not allowed for a year, and if they're rated down a third time, they are to be fired.
Truth in Jest commented
Yahoo has consistently censored anyone that has a differing opinion on the Uber liberal filth they proJectile vomit on a minute by minute basis. There is no integrity based news here, only extreme left op-Ed drivel. They are part and parcel to exactly what is decimating this country. They literally do not publish true front page news ie: Sussman/Dur’ham until AFTER his phony “acquittal”. Then all of a sudden, headliner. They are puppets to this dementia ridden, divisive, compromised Biden travesty government and nothing more.
SCOTT B commented
Their journalists should not be called journalists
Bobby Conner commented
Yahoo is anti American full of fake news tell the truth quit lying
Firstname Lastname commented
No more articles on Ukraine? I guess it's not popular anymore. People are tired of your lies.
belly commented
Yeah Yahoo, bots are alive and unwelll on un-social media. Stay the course and let the complainers find a sandy beach to scribe their inability to adapt.
lowell hastings commented
I agree 100% with Dow Seifert when he wrote:
"The "journalists" employed by Yahoo very often sound like this is the first article they've ever written. Horrible grammar and spelling, left out words and, some of the most biased journalism I've personally ever read. It makes me sick to think that someone with these kinds of views can hold a job let alone be encouraged to continue. Your news outlet as a whole is a joke."
In addition, I believe the other reason you don't allow comments is that you're afraid of opinions that vary from yours and you don't believe in free speech. What happened to this country? When did we start breeding weak little dying flowers instead of patriots who stood for something? -
John Doe commented
why Yahoo only censors your comments if they do not fit their agenda
LC commented
They are not journalists, they are work from home essay writers.
belly commented
@Gary, you are so correct. Do you remember the "unite the right" campaign which started just turn of the last century? A separatist Reform party joined with the federal pcs, as a way to gain more votes, win elections, and govern the country united, It worked and for 8 years Harper did a not so bad job, good as any. A few short years later, the wildrose party was born, another separatist party, This party joined the right as well and wouldn't you know it, another separatist party is formed, and they have just united with the right.
My point is, the separatists are there no matter what happens, and the PC party is becoming more divided within their ranks, because of the amalgamations.
Governments working together is a great thing, only when it works for the good of the country, not half of the country. The libs and ndp are proving that.
Rick Koren commented
Every time I comment the “staff” rejects my comment. I’ll bet you all got a trophy growing up.
Karen Lochemes commented
they can't handle the comments and critiquing. Snowflakes
Gary Rethford commented
I'm pretty sure that most people are aware that Yahoo imports their news articles, which matters not. Once they print it, the babies all theirs. Yeah Yahoo seems to be biased to the left. However considering the behavior of the so called conservative party these days, it would be plumb ignorant to lean their way. Yes I am a conservative wondering why my party decided to become a clown show.
Gary Rethford commented
I agree it's downright pathetic, the articles are intentionally biased. The intention is to cause conflict and division among the readers. It's another fine example of the media baiting it's readers with half truths and quite often totally unsubstantiated information. They don't proofread their articles, a 3 year old could write a better article. I'm aware that the media profession went down the toilet years ago, but lately they've displayed a whole new level of dumbing down. Today's (3/9/2022) fine example of media degradation shows a yacht and claims it's Putins. Truth is they don't know whose yacht it is yet, and the Captain of the yacht isn't giving up the information. It's a downright lie and I'm left wondering just how complicit is in this little black ops operation. Yeah they are more involved than people think, it's their dog and pony show.......dah!!! Smells like Dumb Donald is involved somehow and that fact you can take to the bank.
john no commented
Yahoo is absolutely an embarassment to journalism.Try all they want they suck at reporting any news fairly.It's obvious and only a very few are dumb enough to believe the excrement they write.
Nate Kudrick commented
Yahoo is so biased to the left. No point of even reading any of the articles. At least when comments where allowed you could have some faith in humanity knowing that people called out the ridiculousness of the stories. Now you have gotten rid of the comments section too. Shocking? What a joke!!
Michael Allenby commented
Yahoo should stop censorship IMMEDIATELY and stop the pretense they are trying to make a "safer community"... that is just insulting and we ALL know better Yahoo! STOP THE CENSORSHIP!
belly commented
Most stories on Yahoo, almost all, are written by employees of other publications, then imported into the Yahoo portal website. If we are all paying attention, we would notice each story has a bi-line and publication data about the original publisher and writer. Some of these other publishers allow comments on the original site the story came from. If you wish to comment, these other sites require you to register then sign in to comment.
Yahoo use to allow commenting on other peoples stories until the lunatics starting misusing it.
Why people think Yahoo has hundreds of writers who write all the stuff on this site is beyond me.
john no commented
How do rate journalists on Yahoo when they don't have any ? The writers here aren't journalists at all.They're left wing lunatic propaganda/fiction writers.Call them authors instead.
larry b commented
Yahoo stopped comments so the BIAS LIBERAL reporters can spew their garbage!