New yahoo
2024 New Yahoo is terrible!!! I'm actually considering leaving it out of my news roll of which it is a staple. Absolutely hate this new setup.

Lisa A Taylor commented
Google is now my home page because of this change to Currently. I cannot find a way to customize the new page and It has all the "News" that I was able to keep off of My Yahoo home page... This is a Colossal Miss by ATT and what their customers want. I will keep my email, but I will not have the Currently page as my home page.
Tracey Wring commented
Takes forever to respond to clicks. The reload of ads is a time sucking waste. Terrible home page, Bye, bye Yahoo until you revert back to old, customizable My Yahoo as it was.
Karen Whitlow commented
My Yahoo was ideal for keeping up with news of interest to me. The new Yahoo misses the mark by miles. I'll continue to use my email account but not this "Apple News Wanna Be."
Eugenia Mavrogenis commented
Bring back our home pages. We had them set up to show us what we wanted at a glance. Now we have to search and search to get something. YOU MADE A BIG MISTAKE!
Michael D McLoughlin commented
The new format is terrible. Cannot find anything like my watchlist or my local weather. Format is not intuitive. You done goofed up. Same thing happened last time you changed. Very bad GUI which not ergonomic. I am looking for another service.
Sue Bayly commented
This new page is horrible! Please change it back.
Sue Bayly commented
I agree!
William Parkins commented
Your new browser home page is ****! I want my old My.Yahoo page back
James G Philip commented
Bring back the old My Yahoo. This new thing is beyond terrible. Let us choose our own content
Humbert Lemaire commented
Reverse to old screen. Your new ,"improved" new home screen is a disaster. Too busy, too many ads, too much useless stuff. And where are my BOOKMARKS? Gone... Time to switch out of Yahoo
Sue Burnside commented
New Yahoo makes me sign in anytime I change pages! Ridiculous and harassing!
Leon Bell commented
Bring back "My Yahoo".
Leon Bell commented
The replacement for "My Yahoo" has none of the features that I want. My new home page is filled with all sorts of stuff that I don't want. Your replacement is a total disaster. What was wrong with leaving Well Enough Alone?
Andrew Taylor commented
Stop sending me to the Currently page and give me back my editable My Yahoo home page. What Currently offers is less helpful. I had the My Yahoo designed for what i wanted to see and how I want to see it. Currently forces me to make extra clicks and more scrolling. I do not like it at all.
Brian Adinolfe commented
You suck - i use you for news want see and check my portfolios- you took it all away - no reason to visit you anymore - tell you advertisers you are loosing everyone who visited their my yahoo page - no warning / just gone
Paula M Gallagher-Brooks commented
I think the leaders at Yahoo and AT&T don't read what their customer have to say about taking away our home page. I am stuck keeping my internet through AT&T but that is about all. I think Yahoo needs a lesson in consumerism--I will not use their such engine as there are so many other choices out there. I hope everyone who hates having our persona sided home page taken from us will boycott using Yahoo as a means of surfing the Web. Maybe if no one uses Yahoo companies who advertise on that platform will tell them to wake-up and give us our choice of a home page back. It can't hurt and you will find what you were looking for elsewhere.
Paul Gold commented
New page is useless to me.
Ronnie Widener commented
I am looking at other homepage sites to get away from this awful new Yahoo homepage. It stinks. I had the modules on my old homepage that I wanted and on this abortion I can find no way to do anything but look at news headlines that are several days old.
W Nordquist commented
I really miss my curated collection of links on my Yahoo Mail landing page.
If there is a way to recreate these personal pages PLEASE advise all of us who feel the same.
For now, I just totally skip over the landing page - I ONLY look at the icon to select mail.
I seek control over what I see. -
I so agree with you! This has been the stupidest thing they have ever done!