Do not include non news sites like Fox in feed
Do not include non news sites like Fox in feed.

william jones commented
ALL cable media are fake news, left leaning trash and i am sick of seeing the top news story always in the favor of Demoncrats. Any story can be spun if the reader does not research. I came here ready to fight because I DO NOT want to see the leftist propaganda articles and I want to shut them all off. Yahoo and AT&T better realize none of their paying customers agree. America First
don crosby commented
man its not funny how brainwashed the left media has those who can not think for themselves . your average democrat .
Sharlene Downey commented
This is why I want my email news to stop and yahoo can't help remove it! I hate their bias news. It's all one sided. If anyone knows how to block yahoo mail let me know. I'm sick of seeing it everytime I log in!!!
jen smith commented
So Harry you just prefer news that lies to you all the time? Get a grip buddy.
M J commented
Yahoo isn’t censored enough? . My God, this site is nothing but propagand. Let peope speak!
M J commented
If you really want uncensored non-partisan fact based information, you would have non to choose from once the totalitarians full eviceration of free speech is complete. Should Democrats again steal elections. Free speech will end in totality. Harry you are wishing for the end of Freedom. God help us !
M J commented
This yo-yo probably believes that no-chain-of-custody ballots tabulated by machines protected from public oversight by “trade secrets” constitute election integrity. If Harry had a brain he would realize that anyone making this claim is lying! By definition these are unverifiable elections no matter how many say otherwise. Hint: guess why simply saying this constitutes speech that disallowed by the networks Harry watched. Yes the ones who helped put totalitarians in power. What is wrong with people like Harry? Good greif, when will they overcome this denial of truth? Our country is collapsing because of their ignorance and laziness
M J commented
How dumb can you be. Americas media is being censored, opposition thought silenced., without freedom of speech, There IS no freedom. Today’s Democrat Party has coopted 90% of media to manipulate public open based on lies! WTF is wrong with you that you only want to hear totalitarian propaganda. You are sick in the head
Robert Lee Hewitt commented
So you agree with the DNC for CENSORSHIP of a news site that has a different opinion than the national socialist people's republic.
Julie L commented
If you remove Fox, you have to remove CNN and MSNBC. I would most like to remove New Republic from my feed.
Juan Pulido commented
Fox News is the ONLY reliable source
Mitchell Pratte commented
How can you include garbage like the Huffington Post and all the other liberal **** and not include Fox? Display one, display them all.
L Rhoades commented
This is a joke, right? Yahoo is so left leaning already.
K Whoop commented
While Yahoo is at it, remove other fake news sites like Vox, Huffington Post, Salon, MSNBC
john johnson commented
If you remove Fox News, you would have to remove all the 'opinion' article also, since these are also not news. If news is what you want to read, use Yahoo News only.
Vinnie Diesel commented
Fox is not a news site, it's a hate site. Yahoo should give users the ability to remove from their feed.
juan chavez commented
I don’t want Fox News in my yahoo account news, please
Carolyn Siegfried commented
Please remove Fox articles - almost all their articles are lies and propaganda. Almost a billion dollars worth of lies!
Richard Patty commented
You’re funny. What’s the matter. Don’t like democracy?
Harry U commented
Fox is propaganda, not legitimate journalism.