PLEASE PLEASE STOP USING HUFFINGTON POST AS A NEWS SOURCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE STOP USING HUFFINGTON POST AS A NEWS SOURCE. THEY ARE A BIAS NEWS OUTLET THAT DOESNT DO ANYONE ANY GOOD. WHY DO YOU KEEP POSTING THIS NONSENSE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Get rid of Salon and Huff Post, New Republic and Slate.
John Ogden commented
you have 24 hrs to remove all huffjoke from my feed or i will be deleting my yahoo account permanently
Mark Malavasi commented
Salon and Huff post are trying to divide this country. please remove or at least give me an option not to see this poorly written garbage!
The extent of personal attack and bias is becoming ridiculous.
Have just read Salon, Huff Post, New Republic, Insider, The Hill. Can we possible find "news" outlets that publish facts without "spin" or biased opinion?
You have entirely too many steps for us to be heard, but not for the media sites you publish.
Please stop giving Salon, Huff Post, and other similar sites a platform for spreading their vitriolic and biased divisiveness.
Huffington post is DANGEROUS Please remove from yahoo news feed.
James Dee commented
Yahoo should be concerned about how having so many HuffPost articles reflects on them. You should just as well use National Enquirer stories. There is little difference.
James Dee commented
Contributors like HuffPost that put a bad spin on conservative leaning stories smacks of National Enquirer yellow journalism and makes Yahoo News looks like they get their stories from the grocery store magazine stand.
Gary Ketchem commented
Pretty obvious that HuffPost owns somebody at Yahoo. Try being more balance with the news.
Gary Ketchem commented
HuffPost has seem to have purchased Yahoo. Everybody knows they are very biased. Why do they get so many more posts than others?
James Dee commented
HuffPost contributors are vastly "yellow journalism". This drags you down to their level. Is this what you are seeking? I thought you were above the National Enquirer level.
Mark Malavasi commented
Huff post is horrible. I requested to see less and yahoo keeps pumping all there fake hate filled one side stories on my yahoo page.
Mark Malavasi commented
Please stop showing Huff post stories. if I want to read fiction I will go to a library.
David Jones commented
When I block the ridiculous Huff Post, I don't want to freaking see that **** again!!!!
Chad R Dixon commented
Please keep Huffpost out of my feed. I find them cringe and not credible.
chris szebeni commented
No matter how many times I choose to "see less", you cram. down our throats articles from a one sided new source Huffington Post. A ton of them, almost as if all news and politic articles only come from from one side! I am now leaving your platform. WISE UP
Mike Allen commented
They are not a news source, they are a hate outlet from the left
Bruce chambers commented
Don't you know that Yahoo knows what is best for you. They hate you.