WE need to improve
What if we made up a cleanser cylinder that siphons off the bad air. It would be large Air purifiers and also needs more filtering and put it like the a.i from oblivion movie. it would be vast filtration and also make more hydro pumps like waterfalls into alkaline filters and even the electrolytes into the water supply. The truth is we need to clean up everything. the planet needs to find a solution to the packages from all the products and all the trash. it needs to be harnessed to make it into a molten power cube from endless molten cores of trash pressured into heat. we can go thermal, we can cool off the planet with hydro to air and make more oxygen. we are tearing down trees just to have paper. It's good but it is also destructive that's clean air from trees gone. also, the money problem food just sits there in the stores and everyone's so greedy won't feed and donate food that just expires we can feed billions from all the extra cans and such. Another thing is the children need better education and things like puppets history farming ecosystems and all children work hands-on better that way. abortion should not exist and the money just sitting around the house gather those coins up and give them to make a fiscal. also, it was once written in the past to forgive all debt at the end of the year. it was done by the ancients and should get rid of the debt. Anyway, I think that most persons want to be better and love needs to be done by praying and fasting and even sending love to the trees and the wind and give good tilling even the wilderness. I think the manpower could use more drive and more functioning as a very strict environment since all the streets are rigid and fences are bad it means that the persons had too much fear to put up fences. another thing is the a.i problem it is missing love and when you just type it won't know until you program it like a matrix of leadership and other heavy-duty work it needs a core and symmetry based on all the big bangs we could harness with the exquisiteness of quantum computing. all a.i and even the intellect is from years of human effort. If we were to happen upon something that uses the fleeting moments of synchronicity and functions are needed.