Less articles about children being abused
Please post less news articles about children being physically and/or sexually abused. I can't browse Yahoo News without seeing disturbing headlines involving children. It's traumatizing even for your readers to hear these stories.

Senya Means commented
SO, you don't actually give a rat's *** about kids being abused, as long as YOU don't have to hear about it... sounds like a trumpist to me. Really, if we just lined all the scumbags like this piece of **** up against a fence and mowed 'em all down, the world would be a better place.
Verizon / yahoo is biased. And Democrats tell lies, they removed comments because they can't handle competition bunch of cry babys.
Don't click on any yahoo links from home page hit them in the pocket book
Anonymous commented
I am quitting Yahoo news and Yahoo mail due to the obsession with violence against children. Shame on you.
Anonymous commented
hat's disgusting.
I can't even provide a screenshot of what I see!
Hyy Haha commented
so many ret@rds commenting below, you guys are simply pretending that these type of crimes don't happen, you want to live in a utopia but welcome to reality
lacey shelby commented
Yes please!!! I was just coming here to post about this. There used to be a feature that you could click on that said "less of this" but I don't see it anymore. These stories are awful and in most cases there is nothing that anyone could have done about it, so please stop hurting our souls with these posts.
Sue commented
It is my opinion that stories relating to neglect, abuse and ****** abuse of children should be stopped. I am an adult victim of ****** abuse from 5 years to 14 years of age. I find these stories offensive and dangerous. These stories give a way and means to commit the heinous acts described. Their are people with no intelligence or common decency who read these stories and think why not?
Jen commented
please,please, please!!!! Listen to this comment. Given everything that it happening in our world, I m sure you can find something away from the front page to cover tings like this- a separate Amber Alert page or something...but my page is filled with no, kidding, at least 4 stories about toddlers being raped and murdered-- put out by Inside Edition, no less, But nary a word about Aleppo or Mosul or Raqqa. you've become a tabloid that thrives on murder ****, not international news.
Anonymous commented
Maimed and disfigured animals or abused animals and children by the way are VERY offensive to a lot of people STOP BEING A RAG INTERNET SITE!!!!!
[Deleted User] commented
Please stop with the child/women/animal abuse & neglect stories. They don't need to be the first thing anyone sees. It's nauseating. I may cancel my email account and never go to yahoo again. There has to be a filter of some kind to allow this content. I'm not disillusioned. I know the kind of world we live in but this is incredibly upsetting to have it thrown in my face everyday. Enough please!!!!! Thank you
Anonymous commented
There is NO REASON 2/3 of my Yahoo News page should be featuring horrific murders, child abuse, and torture. What is wrong with your editors?? Yes horrible things happen but do I need to know every single incident, and not ever receive any relevant world news??? It's downright weird.