Stop making us click to "Read More!"
You've made us click twice to read a story and twice to close the two windows - I've been using Yahoo since its inception, but am now sick of it. Google News - here I come.
ME commented
Yahoo allows website to prevent the reader from reading their stories if they have an ad blocker on. We should also have the ability to prevent their website from showing up on our accounts. We should be in control of our accounts,
Robert Givens commented
Clicking twice sucks
Rob commented
Agreed, make us read it twice to pack in more commercials on the second set. Smart for the web site very annoying for the reader.
Anonymous commented
This is the second most annoying thing yahoo has done, the first was the debacle with the comics. I don't bother with reading them anymore thank you.
I don't even look at the second page, just reflex to click here. So if you are charging companies for having ads on those pages, YOU ARE SCREWING THEM OVER AND RIPPING THEM OFF. -
noelre commented
i've also been with yahoo since the 90's and I've accepted all of the changes but this double clicking has driven me over the top. It makes absoulty no sense at all
Good bye yahoo -
Gary Kindle commented
Stupid marketing scheme that is backfiring...and annoying......especialli stupid when you give ONE sentance at a tiime. Person enforcing this stupid practice should be fired!!!