Comments section
Hi, Yahoo, your comments section was your greatest asset, with the thumbs up and down as an indicator of public opinion. You attracted many users because of this feature. The 'my comments' history viewing function also captured the loyalty of many users. Perhaps you could have monetized the comments section with advertisements. With the new format lacking the up and downvote and 'my comments' viewing functions, however, I will be abandoning Yahoo news. Your service now offers nothing of value that sets you apart from the competition. Thanks for the years of news.
Anonymous commented
I keep hitting on the cute little trash can to delete old posts, and I keep getting the cute little reply "an error has occurred please try again". I am tired of trying again. What's the deal lucille?
Allan commented
I spent 20 min doing a comment on the professor who took issue with a seat being given to a Soldier. When I was ready to post, I moved the cursor to hit post and the page jumped and lost everything. I have had an issue with the page jumping recently and going back to the home page. I was using Firefox. What did you do to change it, I never had this issue before about 3 weeks ago?
lydia dorosh commented
You even took my online name. I was not Anonymous before.
lydia dorosh commented
I miss comments. It says they exist, but I never see them anymore.
HT K commented
Yahoo has brought back the thumbs up/down function. We have prevailed.
Paul commented
The yahoo system has not allowed me to post my comments a few times. My friend has never experienced the same. I never use vulgar, rude or demeaning expressions in my comments but my political persuasion and therefore my comments are right of the center. I have been told that Yahoo was not only known for censoring people's comments but apparently even once investigated. I do not know if it is true or not. Am I being censored and if yes why?
Anonymous commented
Do you guys ever read the comments under the political left wing articles you guys include in your home page. All articles regarding Republicans and Trump as so left biased that it makes Yahoo look foolish. Read the comments (sometimes thousands of them) under these slanted articles and you will find that 99% are not favorable to the left leaning author. I like your homepage because it is easy to use and informative except for the left wing bias. I am a moderate and can still see right through the bias. Wise up or you will lose people like me.
Kevin commented
I agree . Yahoo is messing up with the thumbs up and down , I did notice they came back today, but I still don't get a noitfication of a reply to my post !! HATE IT yahoo, You news is became TMZ, but now if yahoo is done with me checking my comments, I guess I will move on !!
Ngocchung Trinh commented
I don't know why my post appears a trash can sign? -
jerry commented
Is it just me, or is it kind of uncomfortable using a "heart" on any comment in a story that has dead children, or **** and murder in it? The absolute only option now is a cutey "heart". It does not apply to most crime stories. Any site out there that uses, or has a similar format to the former Yahoo, excluding Facebook, anything?
HT K commented
The people have spoken.
Anonymous commented
Some control freaks in Yahoo corporate think they can regulate free speech with their fascist b/s. What they do not realize is that there are plenty of options for readers out there and their stock price will reflect that. In the crapper.
JW commented
What is up with the comments section of the numbered articles on the right side of the screen. When I try to use to scroll I end up getting the comments from these articles. If I wanted to read the articles I certainly don't need your aggravating assistance.
Bill S commented
I would be interested in any recommendations for another website that offers the ability to comment on news stories and easily track conversations in the comments - like Yahoo used to provide.
Anonymous commented
I agree. The reason I have stayed with Yahoo from the 90's, is because of the comments section in the news, and the ability to discuss topics. This new format sucks. There's no interaction, not even a thumb's up or down. It just plain sucks. Anybody have any other website suggestions for discussion forums?
michael guinan commented
One problem is that this forum is inundated with trolls demanding more conservative friendly propaganda content. If you look at the top 10 suggestions, its mostly people whining about biased content.
David Camp commented
Fix this, Yahoo, before you lose even more users.
Monica commented
Scott, I would totally "thumbs up" your comment, but alas, I can not because Yahoo is treating us all like pansies and protecting us from free speech and opinions. Hey Yahoo, I can take a few people thumbs downing my opinions. The person making this decision must be from the "everyone gets a trophy" generation. Let's not let anyone feel bad about themselves.
Scott Janzen commented
They've once again ruined the website.