Stop posting Huff Post, PopSugar, Newsweek, and other Liberal Propaganda sites like they are legitimate "news"?
Stop posting Huff Post, PopSugar, Vox, Newsweek, and other Liberal Propaganda sites like they are legitimate "news"? You KNOW they are NOT legitimate news. You are posting fake news that will be indistinguishable from legitimate news to those that do not know or pay any attention to politics. It's INGENIOUS at best and purposeful misinformation at worst. It's hard to take Yahoo seriously when most of the links are from Huffington Post. Slanted and Biased is all I see.
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Anonymous commented
This is so funny...conservatives breaking from Fake Fox News to comment on Yahoo. I cracked up when I saw PopSugar listed with all the legitimate news organizations. This one I agree with...PopSugar is a joke and anyone who gets their news from them are as dumb as they come.
Kyle Hayes commented
up vote x100000 no either.
mike commented
Just because they post news that you disagree with doesn't make it fake. Feel free to troll rightwing sites if Yahoo gets your panties in a wad.
phyllis commented
Sick of Yahoo being so BIASED. You feature the Huffington Post like you guys own it, Do You! Both sides or not at all. This is NOT news, and the fact that you always swing things to the Liberals gives one pause about everything else.
MidiMagic commented
The owner of those worthless news sources owns Yahoo.
Brian S commented
Brainwashed, cry-baby right-wingers only want biased, pro-Trump fake news. What a bunch of pathetic, anti-American cowards. You're all a bunch of wortless, sniveling TRAITORS.
Steve Stevens commented
Completely agree. I have learned that on Yahoo you have to check the source before you read any article. Because it’s all junk these days. Unbelievable that yahoo allows this to happen on their own website.
Blank Blank commented
There is a totally disproportionate number of HuffPost news sources on Yahoo news. Maybe 20-25%. I don't mind a spectrum of opinion but when it becomes too one sided it is not considered balanced news. Cut HuffPost articles down to a few or otherwise Yahoo shows its' true bias coverage and I will probably drop Yahoo for my online news source after 15 years. It is sad I don't think the editors even realize how bad it looks.
Wayne Rutman Rutman commented
I know that there's a coastal elite bubble, but it's impossible to believe that Yahoo does not understand the incredible left wing political bias in their news feed. Several studies have shown that more than 90% of mainstream media stories of Trump are negative. That's mind-boggling (especially since the nation is undergoing record economic prosperity during his Administration), but Yahoo's new coverage is even more biased than this! That's because they constantly post political "news" stories from sources like HuffPost and Newsweek which are little more than left-wing political ****. In contrast, they post NO stories from right-leaning political websites. I know that the parent company of Yahoo owns these companies, which I assume explains some of this nonsense, but clearly somebody in that enterprise must realize the incredible damage that they're doing to their brand by only catering to left-wing users of their service. This is particularly true given that Yahoo viewers are undoubtedly older than most internet news consumers. Many will "shut off" Yahoo because they can't stand the constant in-your-face bias. If Yahoo doesn't understand this, they will certainly pay an economic penalty for their foolishness in the future.
linda hammond commented
You have turned out to be nothing more than the Enquirer. I see profanity on your front page and you run articles about how bad President Trump is.You are a very hypocritical news page.Make your pages more friendly to the younger audiences.I am getting to where i run to google for news now since you have turned out to be a tabloid.Quit running articles from all these lying news places.Put facts up not opinions.
Fred Makrancy commented
Yahoo "News" is a joke. 17 out of 19 political articles on the front page were anti-Trump -and 6 of them were written as factual based on the book Fire and Fury that even CNN has discredited. You guys have a lot of balls to call the garbage you put on your front page "News". Trump is doing GREAT things but you don't post hardly any of them. Not one article about the thriving economy or how 401K's are skyrocketing. Pathetic. #notmynewsoutlet
MidiMagic commented
Notice that all of this "majority of news platforms" are owned by the SAME company that owns Yahoo.
All of them have the same ultra-liberal bias.
john pyson commented
I agree. Please find just a few legitimate journalists who can try to bring some credibility to Yahoo's pajama boy propogandists.
Erman commented
I cannot disagree more. Posting from a majority of news platforms is what makes yahoo news rich and interesting in content. We are able to read from a myriad of platforms on this single platform and so doesn't have to bother losing time visiting many places just to read a few article. And after reading here, we can comment and discuss the article with others. On the other hand, many sites are becoming paid and scrapping comments sections and people have no voice any longer. With this unique style, yahoo news is simply the best platform on the universe. Plus, I don't think that the majority of the sites the original poster mentioned are all biased. For example, Newsweek has articles leaning both sides. They just criticize whatever they see wrong regardless of which side is doing the wrong. It's harsh to discredit so many old, established resources so easily. Instead, the original poster should feel free to disagree with the articles and state that on the comments section like thousands do every single day. Wishing that others whom one disagree with are silenced is not the option.
MidiMagic commented
Did you mean "ingenuous" or "ingenious"? Big difference.
Christine Gorniak commented
Huffpost is NOT a legitimate news source ... they are a yellow rag
MidiMagic commented
The big problem is that journalists are not journalists anymore. Journalists are not supposed to take sides. They are supposed to be neutral.
But since the 1970s, journalism schools have been telling journalists that they must change the world to be "better". And to the liberals running the schools, this means favoring progressivism.
The other problem is that the owner of Yahoo owns Huffypost,