how about you actually put new on your yahoo news page instead of ******** like endless sponsored virus ridden stories and hollywood drama.
how about you actually put new on your yahoo news page instead of ******** like endless sponsored virus ridden stories and hollywood drama. how about you actually read what your customers want? how about you actually care.
Verizon / yahoo is biased. And Democrats tell lies, they removed comments because they can't handle competition bunch of cry babys.
Don't click on any yahoo links from home page hit them in the pocket book
Chris Abbott commented
Here Burt Reynolds has passed away and all I see on your headlines is Trump ****! FFS start covering some actual news.
Mike DeMontoya commented
How about Yahoo actually listening to the Overwhelming number of complaints about Sponsored, so called "news" & doing something about it? But, no; that would make too much sense. Never mind.
rob commented
News is suppose to be "the TRUTH, the WHOLE truth and NOTHING BUT the truth" not the opinion and propaganda it has become. We should do away with the "freedom of the press" clause in the Constitution since there isnt any real press anymore. The founders didnt intend to protect propaganda!