Journalistic Integrity
Dear Yahoo, you took away the ability for commenters to weigh in on your stories, all in the name of a safer environment and because a lot of users are conservatives who disagree with your left leaning bias.
You, Kardashian every story or use Huffpost who start with a bias headline and then use biased twitter responses filled with obscenities that commenters were not allowed to use, and your readers let you hear about it.
You have done a grave and divisive thing. Your email users, should be a reminder to you of teh diversity you provide services to and encourage you to provide more balanced reporting.
'Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.'
And then you allow a story about Jim Carrey spreading his hollywood psychotic hate about Melania Trump. What happened to Unity? What did Melania ever really do that was wrong? Insult the media with her coat? Have an accent? This media hate for Melania Trump, is a #metoo moment.
I have sent a request to my my congressmen and congresswomen, to pass legislation that puts the media and their families in the front lines if a civil war ever breaks out, since they are trying to perpetuate one, by sensationalizng stories.
How is that for unity?
The weather channel has better news than what you supply. Please look up 'jounalistic integrity' and provide fair and balanced reporting before you help start a civil war.
~A moderate Democrat