By Muzzling free speech, you have created the public explosion you are complaining about instead of giving opposing views an outlet. Thanks,
Just like PRAVDA!!!! You control the freedom of speech, for those who say what you want!!!
You give the candy of free speech away to draw users, viewers, and participants--then you take it away from these children of the instant media of narcissistic self-importance, give them an audience, then deprive the children of their candy, and expect them to be grateful?
Wow. You are truly in love with...yourselves. Who is to blame for the rise of the radical right? Why, you are!! Plutocrats who believe that only one view should prevail, because you know best? No. Autocrats who will impose their views by force and suppression.
Hitler's Brownshirts started that way. Maoists. So did the Stalinists, suppressing the loyalists of the Tzars. How many others calling themselves Liberators who, once in power, become the Accursed Oppressors? History is just littered with them. But in the modern world you reject , you cancel, you rewrite, you ignore, you don't NEED History-- you rewrite it with a stroke of the digital "pen". How many despots in history have become so by arguing that "the ends justify the means?" Welcome to that Club of Infamy.
To quote Peter Townsend of the Who, "Meet the New Boss....Same as the Old Boss...." How long do you think it will be in a 24 Hour news cycle before your elite opinion police become that which they oppose to retain their "power"? At what cost? The moderates are dead. You pushed them out. Only the extremists remain.
The Waters of moderation are gone. You have left only gunpowder and matches. You placed them in the tinderbox of your own creation. And there can be ONLY. ONE. RESULT. Such foolishness. Such HUBRIS! You have created the chaos, and blame all others but yourself for the result. You have manipulated it for your own benefit. As long as others fight, you sell the spectacle. And not even the self awareness to be ashamed. It makes me sad that you have created the new Regime.
"Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it." And I know, you won't post this.
Truth to Power only works where free speech has an outlet. You have denied that outlet, so until you are brought to bear, I warn you that you will only hear those who succor to you with the honeyed words you give them, to tell you...only the politically correct phrases which you "bless" as acceptable... you will only be told what you permit yourself to be told, until the smell of it suffocates you in its ********* by choking the very air of truth itself.
I feel sorry for you. You bear the burden of presenting yourselves as Almighty, All-Knowing and All-Powerful, and it will last for a short time as you make yourselves as the Golden Calf...but it will not last, because those who place themselves above all will fall a great fall.
You have effectively disenfranchised the free speech rights of half of all Americans who now despise you, for taking away their respect, their freedom of speech, their right to be heard, their right to be? You have dealt these people a grievous wrong. They are an angry mob, and after years of feeding them media as a bloodsport, how long shall it be before you become the prey to your own Monster?
Free Speech? No. This is suppression to espouse only one view. That is not "Truth". You have become the very thing you claim to oppose. One can suppress history-- but one cannot ultimately escape it..
c b commented
But really yahoo, you are causing hate and division in America by not allowing Americans the ability to express their opinions about important news topics in America. You should allow free speech in a civil manner, in other words only block or suspend those commentators that threaten physical harm towards others and those that start name calling on either side.
greg rea commented
You don't even know what "free speech" is. Hey . . . . here is a novel concept, start your own Comments section if you are so butthurt.
prosper young commented
i doubt that
Kent Libby commented
Trumbull Resumes, Your idea you posted is truly a Masterpiece! There's only one problem... Liberals read it but do not have the capability to understand the content. However, they will probably copy it and use it in some way to make them appear as if they are intelligent. They steal from past scripts all the time because they probably read, write and comprehend at a third grade level. They are Masters at Spinning and deceiving though. Great piece you wrote and 100% on point! To anyone who doesn't like my comment, Fact F***ing Check That, Immediately Retire and move to China!!!
Chip Topjian commented
Have they ever heard the phrase "l'll give your opinion when I want it"
Jeff Watson commented
Wow, well stated... I wonder if Yahoo is listening, not only Yahoo, but the rest of the Liberal media outlets??? Oh, I forgot, they've already moved in, those who seek to destroy our Great Country... Look out... Be careful, be very careful... God Bless America...
Nelson Pupello commented
good decision, makes no sense to continue allowing folks from "any" political group to argue pointless points on line. especially with such limited amendment comprehension. muzzling free speech person is a good example, the 1st amend. is not limitless, nor is the 2nd, and so on. remember to look out for that wolf dressed like a sheep & everybody try to have good a Sunday despite the bad circumstances.
Trumbull Resumes commented
You vill now resume.. vatchink...ze approved politically correct programming approved by Der Chairman.... of der Google-Facebook-Verizon-Yahoo Technocracy of der Ubernet of the Republick, ... or you vill be an enemy of der Ubernet Republick.... for crimes against der Politically Correct Dogma of the Republick...vitch... it is illegal to qvestion....
Trumbull Resumes commented
You are out of Order! This whole Courtroom is out of Order!! This whole Website is out of order!! This whole internet is out of Order!!! Joking about it is out of Order!! Thinking about it is out of Order!!! Talking about it is...UUUURKKKK!!!!!