Why is yahoo continuing to reject ALL of my comments? All of them! What gives?

Romeo Guildenstern commented
"Your comment failed to publish" is the latest moderation tactic.
RANDY S KELLEY commented
respectful comments regarding transgenderism MUST NOW be permitted. I will be testing this and reporting to the new administration if there aren't changes made.
Robert Guthrie commented
Yahoo has blacklisted my comments. Remove me from blacklist.
terry goldman commented
REject as many conservative comments as liberal ones. I'm am so annoyed at the obvious bias that I'm showing all my comments and rejections to the ACLU. You only seem to infringe on liberal free speech.
Daniel Babcock commented
It seems I have been banned for conflicting political viewpoints. I do not use abusive nor racial slurs to put down ANY nationality
Daniel Babcock commented
Stop rejecting comments not against community standards, ALL my comments have been rejected, even if I say HI
Saucy Jack commented
Yes, the moderation here absolutely makes no sense, is broken, and needs to be given a serious examination. Today I reported a comment to another user that was nothing but an animated gif of Dwayne Johnson saying "Shut up, [female dog]" and got the response that it wasn't in violation of community standards. Precisely how is that not a violation? In whose bizarro psyche does this "maintain a safe and respectable environment"?
James Funk commented
Yahoo! should allow votes and possibly additional comments about a broken feature at least until that feature is fixed.
My original complaint was about difficulty finding my comments. Since there are already several posts about this, this would be a duplicate. Given that we are not supposed to post duplicates, I would like to support the older posts about the same issue. But, neither can I do this, since these discussion have been closed.
james fenex commented
Fix comments page so that it works. Many are having problems.
thomas benjes commented
Robert Wright commented
I demand to know why my last few posts have been rejected. I followed YOUR guildlines and never said ANYTHING bad or a lie. But for someknown reason one of your employees or maybe some computer AI didn't like what I said or how I said it rejected my post. So I demand to know IN WRITING why.
Peter C commented
This is so irritating. I love a good back and forth debate or even an open discussion. I will get a load of replies but can't get to the original among thousands of comments.
Butch N commented
When I click the blue button to reply to a comment the link goes right to the beginning of the article, not the comment.
Also, when we get an email saying our comment was rejected, there is no appeal option which there should be.
The AI Yahoo uses misinterprets a lot what we type is unacceptable.Yahoo does not give the user a way to send a comment to a person.
Vintage1949 Vet commented
The Guidelines are more like unwritten Rules & Regulations. When you reject a reply, you should state a specific reason or reasons. Also, you have an unpublished list of words that you cannot use in a reply, even when that word is in a direct quote from your article. Publish the list in your Guidelines.
john romansic commented
Why has my comments been blocked for the last several months?
john romansic commented
Why has my yahoo comments been blocked for the last several months?
J B commented
Fix the broken moderation system. I had a comment rejected today in which I did nothing but clarify a definition that was being used in regard to the article. No snark, no hate, just a simple clarification.
That got rejected, but an incoherent, all caps comment about chemtrails was allowed
Another moderation problem is that openly racist comments are allowed. Lots of them. Every story involving a criminal or suspect who's black gets flooded by racists posting whatever they want.
Main suggestion: replace OpenWeb.They can't even manage to provide basic message board functionality, much less competent moderation.
If you want people to engage with your new stories, give us a working engagement system.
james vierling commented
Why is it that failed to publish happens so many times on articles about the psychobabble ******** of transgender garbage. that **** is a mental illness that needs to be eradicated right along with anyone that protects or pushes it. I hope Trump pulls all Federal money and military out of California then declares war and obliterates its. I truly ******* hate you people and your censorship.
RealGomer commented
After hundred if not thousands of complaints on comment s not being posted, yahoo still doesn't get it. What's really bad is sometimes a comment goes thru but then another one on another news article fails.
Lance FitzSimon commented
It seems that if Yahoo actually wants dialogue, it should not be so that some articles allow for comments for days, while others only an hour.