Removal of comments, but only on what you want to remove them on... Censorship!
I find it disgusting that your company feels it appropriate to determine what I am, and am not, allowed to have an opinion on. Or that you are in some way bettering my engagement on the site by not allowing me to express my opinion on an article you published.
I can contribute to a UFC fight article, but not to a COVID-19 article that actually has some bearing on society.
I can contribute to an article about a bbq competition, but nothing about the presidents last address? I know you don't give two cents about losing people, there aren't enough people in the world that would have the tenacity to stand up and walk away from you, but I will. You are not allowed to control my thoughts, opinions, or expression of them. Since you are trying, I will end service with you completely.
Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. B.S. There is no connection or engagement in my interests and passions. I could care less about the UFC fight that was an abysmal disaster or the fake Merriweather fight. I do have interest in politics, 2nd amendment articles, world news, foreign affairs, etc. When can I "engage and connect" on these topics?
Disgusting, Anti-American company! I am sure this will be censored as well.