Stop your journalists from lying, and using Yahoo News to espouse their negative political belief system
Andrew Freeman and his "Seattle, Portland gearing up for hottest weather ever recorded"
Mr. Freeman is a liar and fabricator on this subject matter. The evidence of the latter is that he offers no scientific citations nor does he offer an explanation of how "human-caused global warming" caused the record cold temperatures in Texas and the Midwest last winter, nor does he offer an explanation of the cause of the global warming about 10,000 years ago that melted the glacial ice sheets at at time when only a handful of nomadic humans lived. Nor does he provide and explanation of what caused the global cooling that created glacial ice shoots and the recent Little Ice Age of the latter 1700s. Scientifically, I know why; thus, as a journalist why does he remain ignorant of the scientific truth and instead choose to be an adherent to a political agenda (the Carbon Fallacy) created to help facilitate the creation of a totalitarian communist one-world-government???