Reduce the volume of Washington Examiner articles
I get the Yahoo strives for balance in its articles, but the sheer volume of articles from the unprofessional, lying, horribly biased, right-wing Washington Examiner has become ridiculous. Has Yahoo been taken over by Trumpettes?

c b commented
Thank you yahoo for showing some equity among news sources by including some Republican news outlets and thier news stories. The democrat news stories still outnumber the Republican news stories by far so i hope you can add some more Republican news outlets and thier news stories.
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Kerry E Van Iseghem commented
Washington Examiner is great - you need multiple viewpoints. Nearly all Yahoo is left wing extremism that is obnoxious. It is absolutely 100% legitimate news. The Main Stream Media and Yahoo in particular is extremely biased and have a long history of promoting falsehoods and lies.
Brian C commented
Apparently Huff Post, NY Times, Washington Post, Rolling Stone, and whatever MSM outlet that publishes false opinion pieces are okay though right. The Left has 10 - 1 in false information but as long as it's something you believe then lets get on board. How's Biden doing? We'd never know because why publish how badly this Country is going down the toilet since he took over when you can continue to bash Trump. Liberals are so easily triggered.
Brian C commented
Liberal brainwashing at it's finest.
Michael M commented
The previous commentor is hilarious! Believing everything it reads about the vax. The non-vax'd are not dying 38% more than vax'd. The ignorance of many vax'd is beyond comprehension. Believing you are at risk when near a non-vax'd person, still wearing the useless face covering, and pretending non-vax'd are dying from something that isn't killing anywhere near the number of people you so morbidly hope, pray, and cry yourself to sleep at night wishing were, but knowing are not.
Senya Means commented
YOu know, the problem is not the existence of these nazi propaganda sources, it's the fact that people in the US are so horrifically poorly educated that they can't defend themselves against this disgusting anti-human propaganda, and identify the political perspective that generated it. They have never learned to reason critically. Many adults in the US are still on the level of believing that if a thing is printed in a newspaper, or a book, or online, it MUST be true. REALLY. I have heard adults, ostensibly people of normal intelligence, in the US, in recent times, say that they saw a "fact" in print, so it must be true.
H S commented
whatever Lawrence, 3 total posts and all about The Washington Examiner
M Weaver commented
Washington Examiner should be BANNED altogether. People can go to that awful site if they want, but stop polluting my Yahoo front page with those lies. These are the people who support a Nazi style government and are in love with that twice impeached criminal idiot Trump. If you want post Far Right Propaganda from these type people - I will just Leave Yahoo - just like I left Facebook. Keep pushing Far Right Propaganda disguised as news, and see if you don't get sued Yahoo - they are NOT news - and I think I have a great legal case for a class action lawsuit - suing you over posting Right Wing Propaganda as "news". So cut it out - or we'll see you in court.
No, it just allows a few comments from people that think for themselves. And ,it bothers you. I understand when all you know is what you have been force fed by the media and hollywood .
Don Ernst commented
Agree. Some balance is OK but way too much content from them. Question is: What does Yahoo get from Phil Anschutz for providing this?
Jerry Stallman commented
I see gross inaccuracies in Washington Examiner articles. They are lying. The article about EPA raids leaves out the truth about how these businesses are deleting the emission systems on hundreds of thousands of on-highway vehicles. Please stop spreading these lies.