The Washington Examiner is not legitimate "news" - it is just conservative propaganda
The Washington Examiner is not a source of legitimate news from a conservative source, but simply a succession of political propaganda essays, about "creepy Joe Biden", "woke" policies, and other conservative "talking points." It does not belong in a collection of responsible articles of journalism, whether from a conservative or liberal POV.
Donald Jones commented
Another idiot liberal. Yahoo is left wing propaganda
Thomas H Hubert commented
If the WE is conservative propaganda--which it is not--WaPo is simply left-wing propaganda and drivel.
c b commented
Thank you yahoo for trying to show some equity among news sources. The Democrat news stories still outnumber the Republicans news outlets by far but its a start. Please include more Republican news outlets and thier news stories, its only fair
james D mackay commented
Joe is a creep plain and simple. Can America ever recover from the treasonous crimes he's committed?
james D mackay commented
Juneteenth day, martin luther king day, black history month, why not make the whole year black holiday month?MLK day is a worthy holiday , the rest if anyone wants to celebrate it fine with me but in the civil war many times more whites died for blacks freedom than the number of blacks that existed in America , yet blacks spit on their graves. There's no holiday for them.BLM IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, SO IS ANTIFA, BURN DOWN SMALL BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES , KILL FOLKS, OH IT'S JUST A PROTEST, NO IT'S CALLED A RIOT. tHE WHOLE WORLD DOES NOT ACCEPT LGBTQ+++ECEPT WESTERN EUROPE AND AMERICA , THEY ALL LAUGH AT US IF THE LGBTQ+++ communities go on vacation to the majority of countries on this planet , they will most likely be killed.T hey can do what they want as far as I'm concerned ... as long as they stay far away from me.
james D mackay commented
And UNCLE JOE is doing a fantastic job. He single handedly destroyed America.
james D mackay commented
Liberal woke crowd are the vocal minority
Al Rivera commented
Yahoo was part of the coupe to destroy Trump PERIOD
Kerry E Van Iseghem commented
Washington Examiner is great - you need multiple viewpoints. Nearly all Yahoo is left wing extremism that is obnoxious. It is absolutely 100% legitimate news. The Main Stream Media and Yahoo in particular is extremely biased and have a long history of promoting falsehoods and lies.
Ken Payne commented
Your asking a trash news source to trash another? Makes sense.
Rich Walker commented
As a historian, it's been astounding the foreigners labeling conservatives. A more accurate read of the main stream propaganda would be to replace "conservatives" with "Americans." Odd the propagandists would disfavor the traditional American view. But, then again, that is the purpose of the marxist/communists after all, eh?
Brian Heuring commented
If news "A" shows you the entire video of an event, and news "B" shows you cleverly edited clips of the same video, which one would you be more inclined to believe as true?
If news "A" shows you a complete transcription of a speech or sentence, and news "B" shows you only excerpts from the same speech or sentence, which one would you be more inclined to believe as true? -
Carl R Bradley Jr. commented
BS. The opposite is true; because you don't like a piece, does NOT mean it is not responsible journalism; it means that YOU don't like that viewpoint. We live in what appears to be the absolute worst time for journalism, period. There is a reason that the common people do not trust the news media---because they are not to be trusted. There are hardly any "journalists" left---we are left with newsreaders and entertainers/ Yahoo news is one of the most biased media reporters out there.
community drywall commented
Seriously?! All of yahoo news is hard left!! I’m noticing multiple polls questioning if you should keep running Washington Posts stories lol. If your company doesn’t want to run it then don’t! It obvious! Needing to ask 1,000 different ways if they are to right leaning or if they or full of propaganda news shouts yahoo doesn’t like posting their stories!! Why? Because you’re just like all the other msm!! Only wanting to report what the deep state wants and falling in line with rest if the sheep! I see you’re most recent poll on wether ppl would take the 3rd shot or not you say overwhelmingly about 75-80% say they would..then at the very bottom you say where you got that get it by specifically choosing people according to their age, ethnicity, who they voted for in 2020 or if they didn’t vote and by registered party affiliation!!! Now that’s not a randomized poll!!!!! I’d love to see the 1k plus on that list how many were D and how many were R and how many voted for Biden or Trump or not at all!!! You’re sadly just like most of the media today making things look a certain way to fit their narrative knowing full well your reporting isn’t based on anything but well crafted fabricated misleading truths and a lot of the time just plain lies when it should be based on nothing but the **** truth and real honest facts no matter where the narrative leads you!!!
gordon blankenship commented
Neither is Yahoo! Yahoo is all lies!
Ralph Miller commented
And You Love Huff Post
Shawn Gunn commented
Please. This website might as well be ran by the DNC with its constant spam of liberal lies.
Adam Hickey commented
Both sides are still part of the same evil body in the end of it all. The mainstream news sources for both sides is frequently propaganda and lies that are defining your very false realities. These news outlers have done a great job keeping the masses distracted for generations. Certainly long enough for the government to steal, embezzle, sell off and sell out all the great aspects of what was once called the American dream. It's gone because people were to trusting and too naive, yet with this global medical tyranny upon us you people still cant come to terms with the fact we have all been fucked over by the very people who were elected to represent us not Rob us. Come to terms with facts like science is for sale, money can make it so anything can be "backed by the data". Realize the deaths from this benign flu are people with it and many who never recieved the fraudulent pcr just were suspect. Why would they? Why u ask? artificially increase the fear in people by falsifying deaths and forcing the numbers to go up.
So did you know there's no test that these labs have that tells them what alleged variant you have. Which Begs the question how do they know the big bad delta is spreading and 50% have it. They don't know, they are lying and saying it for 1. To keep people afraid and fearful 2.justify locking down again. 3.Forcing the mask back on 4.their excuse why the vaccines aren't working.
News flash news flash
The vaccines have never worked, they were not created or tested for their affect on hospitalization or reduction in transmission. You been lied to again. They were only studied to see their affect on symptom reductions. Also they never tested them on pregnant anything, nor did they test it on immunocomprised well they are testing it on them sick people now that the masses are part of the crime trial. -
Jeff Watson commented
Of course those on the other side will rebuke the facts, it's their only way of staying afloat... Can't argue with a lump of coal/piece of wood... it doesn't work... Only one way, Their Way... yep...
Anthony Ference commented
So it tells the truth and you being a liberal left wing extremist fan don't like it is what your saying. lol smh