This article should read; Switching from electric/gas to electric only within major cities good or a Catch 22!
This ban on natural gas is a catch 22! I’ve always said it should be optional, a choice made by the people, not the politicians. I do have an idea, why not remove all natural gas lines from business and homes in an effort to stop major building and house fires that are not only the most destructive, but the most deadliest. Now for rural areas, country side areas people should have a choice between electric/gas or straight electric. That’s my idea, and it’s more realistic to be honest. As for within the city’s buildings, great idea to remove natural gas lines, will definitely end major structural fires.
TJ commented
Now that I gave my idea for the article, here’s a new byline for editorial! Removal of natural gas lines from city’s infrastructure, and what it will cost taxpayers? Everything comes with a price tag!