I've always supported conservative views, so I've supported Republicans so far, except Donald Trump. But now that's enough. They have gone too far to the right. Many conservatives in America now live in a fantasy world that doesn't exist. Many people believe in conspiracy theories and lies while many believe this is God's will. Wake up all my dear friends! I hope the Democrats win the midterm elections! If Trump is re-elected president in two years, I think he will make sure to get rid of political opponents in the military and in all government agencies. He doesn't mind becoming a dictator and like most dictators in the world, he can win through lies and deception because people are naïve and easily fooled. Donald Trump's slogan is "Make America great again. Adolf Hitler used expressions such as Deutchland über alles (Germany above all) and Vladimir Putin uses the same tactics when trying to convince people to support his nationalist views. The Greek philosopher Socrates said the following: I am no Athenian nor Greek, but I am a citizen of the world.
Kjell Øyvind Østbø (Norway)