Please stop publishing right wing opinion pieces as news
News is supposed to be unbiased news. Opinions are exactly that. stop implying right wing opinions are news.

Sid Straw commented
I will be migrating to another email source if you do not stop.
Sid Straw commented
Stop being so biased. 90% of your news stories are nothing but hit pieces on Republicans. Your staff is a bunch of ********.
airxson commented
why isn't the hunter biden subpoenas front & center???? i can't even find it on your site! biased fake-news!
Terry Thompson commented
Stop being so liberal in your reporting. You never have anything positive about conservatives or conservative issues and nothing negative about liberals and liberal issues.
clodoaldo candido de lima commented
Coloquem uma ferramenta para cancelar a matéria, quando não for do interesse do leitor.
clodoaldo candido de lima commented
Polícia do pensamento?
Querem mandar no pensamento, impor que devemos ver, ler, pensar? Parem com matérias sensacionalistas, sejam imparciais, principalmente sobre política, não militem para a esquerda, é o que parece estarem fazendo de algum para cá, casa matéria...