Need Help and Prayers for Gunshot Victim Paralyzed Single Mom
I am writing on behalf of the mother of my child, Westwood, NJ resident Michelle Morahan who was the victim of a shooting last year, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. She has been in hospitals and treatment facilities, separated from her daughter, who she was the primary caregiving for the first 8 years of her life, for the past year.
She is a single mother on state Medicaid and was recently denied further inpatient physical therapy, being told she had reached her baseline, even though she had been and was continually making incredible progress and strides towards walking. Because she was denied inpatient therapy she was discharged from the spinal cord care facility she was residing.
As she doesn’t have the resources to get housing on her own she was transferred to a nursing home an hour and a half away from her daughter where she doesn’t receive therapy and they do not have the means to adequately care for a patient in her condition. Because she is in a facility she does not qualify for disability benefits which she needs to acquire housing, which she needs in order to qualify for outpatient treatment and resume her therapy.
It’s a catch 22 but it leaves her trapped in a situation where she is unable to be with her daughter or get the therapy she desperately needs to give her any chance of recovery. Her physical and mental state are deteriorating and she is losing any hope of a positive resolution.
She is an incredible mother and just wants to be back with her daughter again and help other women and crime victims who are dealing with spinal cord injuries. I started a fundraising campaign for her in hopes it might be able to help towards her housing and some therapy equipment and am desperately hoping there is some way you might help spread awareness for this amazing woman whose life was so abruptly and unjustly altered.
Thank you and God Bless
Michael Smith