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I wonder if the remake actors will be screwed over as well. doesn't matter I will not be seeing it after reading this. I watch the original again. The originals are always the better ones. The remakes are just the studios try to capture lightning again. Very rarely works. write something original for once.
On a couple of occasions, I have been seemingly banned from comments I would expect by Open web. I notice no comments showing and then sometime later comments magically show up. Today I wrote the following comment "I wonder if the remake actors will be screwed over as well. doesn't matter I will not be seeing it after reading this. I watch the original again. The originals are always the better ones. The remakes are just the studios try to capture lightning again. Very rarely works. write something original for once. "
I was asked if I really wanted to post this. This is quite frankly a laugh since you have quoting people in news articles using profanity and writers and editors do not seem to be flagged and banned for a period of time. The keywords are "screwed over" yet in an article I read today the word "f*ck" was in a quote from a person. This also goes to at least 2 other articles in the past week or so. Yet I am doing nothing more then saying the basic same thing in echoing the article. This is not disrespect rather it is putting the onus on the people who were doing the remake and asking if they planned to do the same to the new actors for a remake of The Blair Witch Project. This is not wrong yet the and I use this sparingly, th AI that is monitoring this and the people's comments does not seem to be able to tell what the comment maybe referring to in the article, just that the "words" used have been decided to be inflammatory. When I lost comment abilities there was nowhere to turn to see what the heck was going on. (Notice I used heck instead of another curse word) Open Web just dumps you and you are left with no understanding at all.
Unfortunately, the comments that you get ousted for are subjective to the entire comment against the article you are commenting about. In addition, look at the number of people who are in the help forum trying to find out what happened to comments.
I would suggest if Open Web has the power to be the boss on line it needs to connect with users when it bans them and explain the reason. This will never happen since the system is tracking What was said, how it was said, how many times you may have been warned and then sets a spanking interval that is banishment for a period of time. You cannot spank a child without explaining to them why yet this is exactly what you are doing. No communication, no reasoning just out the door for a week or two or more.
I am guessing at part of the way the system works but I stuck around and over time this is what I have been able to come up with. The Community Guidelines may seem to be explicit yet they do not take into account all that is being said and IF THE ARTICLE SAYS BASICALLY THE SAME THING are others in comments are running in the same vein with comments. The other fact I am concerned over is "Report". are you allowing users to say that they do not like this and "spanking" the user?
There needs to be some clear 2-way communication not just be banned and not know why. little bit like taxation without representation.
So back to it, how is it ok for reporters and "editors" to print curse words in full yet I use "screwed" and I get a little red box asking am I sure I want to do this?
I would like to see a dialog on current processes so that it can be explored as to if this is the proper way to go as we move forward. I believe this needs to fleshed out more. Please look at the number of people who are upset because they believe comments are gone completely gone rather than they have been put on "a break".
Signed in as Michael F R (Sign out)