Scoring - Max games per week in H2H leagues
Limit the number of games played per week by a team in H2H leagues.

Rick Sabol commented
this is a non-issue. there is a games cap virtually baked in already with the player-add limit. there is a max somewhere in the low 50s for games that is impossible to go over with 4 player adds per week.
c f commented
Adding a cap to each active roster spot would be nice as I think it adds some strategy stuff.
But an overall cap for the week is necessary IMO. When playing in a PTs league it heavily favours games played as there is no offset with percentage categories.
Oliver Balfour commented
Please provide the option of an overall team cap or a cap on each active roster spot. Also, please give commissioners the ability to choose the limit number. (Leagues with deeper rosters will tend to want a higher limit than shallower leagues). Thank you!
Bill Diaco commented
Add a games played maximum. Almost every week it's whoever played the most games wins that week.
c f commented
Please add this - evens the playing field.
N S. commented
WTH why are people crying in comments. Mad your opponent has players playing more games than you? Then add players from FA to catch up. Limiting max games per week is a ridiculous idea.
Danny Devaney commented
Max games played per week option is a MUST have option in. Fantasy Basketball H2H due to the NBA's schedule with lack if games kn several days.
Brian W commented
Need to have a option for maximum players for the week head to head points league
Kevin Terusaki commented
We're considering other fantasy basketball platforms (Fantrax) because they offer max games per week in H2H leagues. Having a max games cap per week levels the playing field when it comes to imbalances in weekly schedules.
Thirsty Dog commented
Playing 10-11 less games than your opponent removes any semblance of fairness. This is especially true during the playoffs when you can’t make up the wins the following week. I’m at the point of closing my two leagues if this doesn’t change.
Andrew Genova commented
As of right now, I am having to manually enforce game limit by benching down teams on Sunday morning. Having this as an automated feature would make my life way easier.
Benedikt Imbusch commented
Please enhance to the H2H format.
Thirsty Dog commented
Lost a playoff game by having 7 games less than my opponent. Season games even out but playoffs don’t. Either set a maximum or end free agents via playoffs. Prefer maximum like rotisserie!
Alex P commented
This doesnt really solve the issue of an unfair week. Even if you limit the total number of games, your opponent's best players could all have 4 game weeks while your best players can have a 2 game week and they would still have the advantage over you
David Paul Goett commented
Hello. I submitted my question originally to Yahoo Sports - Request for Support @ I received this response: "Here's the link to our engineers" so I am writing to you. Apparently there are only categories for baseball and football, but not for basketball. I hope this will get to the proper engineer/developer. I have been involved with Head-to-Head fantasy basketball leagues for quite some time. It used to be I had a fighting chance to win and once in a while I did But not lately. We play in a head-to-head league with daily line-up changes and add/drops On an average week, a team may have players playing in 40 to 44 games. However, also in any given week, your opponent may have anywhere from 48 to 52 games depending on the NBA schedule. Under these circumstances, I don't care if you play with the Dream Team, you are going to lose. The bottom line is that team owners are not always drafting by best player available, but they are studying the NBA schedule to see which teams have the most games on light nights like Tuesdays and Thursdays and drafting accordingly. There is something inherently wrong with this!! You may think it will all even out over the course of the season, but this is not the case. Players are dropped and added frequently based on the number of games they play. I'd like to know if there is a way to please program the league so that we (via the Commissioner) can set a limit on the total number of games all teams can play per week? I understand that the capability to set a maximum # of games per week doesn't exist now. I also understand there is a default limit of 82 games per position in Rotisserie leagues, however Head-to-Head leagues have no maximum limits. Even if we did have it, I'm not sure it would adequately address the weekly line-up problem we are dealing with here.
Since this capability does not currently exist, I am asking your programmers to get together and consider making this happen for this upcoming season. I'm sure ours is not the only league dealing with this issue.Suggested category addition to Scoring & Settings: "Maximum Number of Games per Week."
We already have the setting "Max Acquisitions per Week" which is currently set to 3. IMHO, there should be a way to add the above setting.
Drafting the best players should drive this league. The NBA schedule should be irrelevant. Unfortunately, it is not! We are very frustrated. Please help! Thank you.
tyler schultz commented
Enhancement to H2H format
rafael greenberg commented
Without a weekly max games cap in H2H, there are weeks that aren't competitive at all, just due to luck of the schedule. Even if you have a superior team, you have almost no chsnce to win. In my league this year, I had some weeks with 32 games and my opponent had 41. Even with streaming, it's not competitive. Having the option of weekly max games would be huge, and make Yahoo fantasy a better game.
Evan Miller commented
In weekly H2H basketball leagues, allow a limited number of subs each week from the team's existing bench. This way, if you have an injury or COVID protocol early in the week, you can make changes and stay competitive. Or, later in the week you can use subs to maximize games played.
Andre Martin commented
Please fix this!!!
Christopher Adams commented