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6133 results found
Is there some special reason you've disabled the Back button on your website?
When I finish reading a story, I have to close the website, and re-open it to get to the next story. Makes me want to just leave Yahoo closed 100% of the time.....
2884th ranked -
6101st ranked -
2884th ranked
Once I sign in and come back to yahoo s homepage, the mail symbol is far left and no matter what I try I cant reach it. Can it be moved? I have to go down and press another tab - settings and after a while a new page goes up with the mail symbol present. Again I say....HELP please
1799th ranked -
WTAF is the "ad" saying "Jagmeet Singh suffers fatal accident on live television". Why do you allow this type of garbage on your site?
Screen for offensive content.
1225th ranked -
Is there a way to get rid of old avatars from your profile picture?
Is there a way to get rid of old avatars from your profile?
2884th ranked -
I would really like to see less leftist news feeds on my Yahoo home page. The majority of voters voted for Trump in this election, stop.
The Yahoo... "News" that appears on my page, is obviously left leaning in politics. It needs to be objective, or stop. The majority vote went to Trump this last election, so the need to continually provide smear stories on the man is annoying. Just drop it, and share the news... Three wars happening in the world.. Human trafficking at an all time high. Weather. Canadian politics. Not just American political ****.
1799th ranked -
After all the biased articles against Trump you still didn't influence the election results! You should try and be more balanced in future!
More evenly balanced and unbiased articles would increase your following. But it was satisfaction knowing you people at Yahoo would be eating crow after Trump was victorious!
1799th ranked -
No obscenity on Yahoo please!
I wish to protest the images shown in a BuzzFeed article posted by Yahoo on Trump's Gaza video. I believe they contravene the laws of obscenity and would not like young people to be exposed to them.
2884th ranked -
Hire Chat GPT
For years now, I have noticed that Yahoo articles each contain a single grammatical, syntax or spelling error. Sometimes that error has been as egregious as being in the headline. Is there a purpose for having a single error in every article? I wish I were being facetious by accusing Yahoo of purposely including errors in every single article they publish, but it's true. Over the years, I have come to enjoy finding the single mistake. If I don't see it at first, I look harder to find it! Sometimes it's a missing plural 's', and other times it's a…
2884th ranked -
stop the spam....PLEASE
PLEASE STOP the Spam. Thousands of spam emails. I can not keep up and keep unsubscribing. Brutal
2884th ranked -
Get rid of the ads. The Rogers family is wealthy enough,
I pay $153/month for rogers internet and mobile phone. Why am I inundated with ads when I sign into my email account?
6101st ranked -
A default settings rollout for Fantasy Hockey. 50% NHL 34% PWHL 16% CHL
The need for balance has never been greater. From the Scotland Yard to the shores of San Jose. We need common sense.
2884th ranked -
Good Evening, I am here to forward the following play from my playbook to someone with the means to see it all the way down vehicle path.
It involves having the competition sign off on the waivers for injury beforehand and confirmation of excellence license afterwards. One champion, I prefer a female champion, to be selected from the field as the designated breeding apex character in crowdsourcing test tube babies.
2884th ranked -
unblock my mail
my phone is blocked says it wants my credentials
1799th ranked -
Please put the old myyahoo back. The new one is awful!
Get rid of this new Yahoo. It is awful and cheap and just chock full of ads. I want my precisely apportioned opening page to be what I need to look at first thing, news, sports, financial, not Canadian Tire ads.
1799th ranked -
Keep my local settings.
Continue to get Canadian news, local weather from Laval, CA, even though I live in Pennsylvania. I have checked my setting a number of times, but everything stays the same.
2884th ranked -
You've become a useless service. For some reason my account has been locked out on my tablet. I've wasted well over an hour going in circles, even on your ridiculous paid help line with no results. I do not need or have the ability for two stage verification - TURN IT OFF !!!
1799th ranked -
The old Yahoo is back BUT no one can comment on anything !!
Why can't we comment on the old yahoo anymore ?
2884th ranked -
2884th ranked
- Don't see your idea?