Bring back our right to free speech against your bias reporting left wing BS
I'm sick of seeing the left wing rubbish you report. Making the uninformed believe what you are saying is factual and correct. We have a right under free speech to get our views across and challenge the rubbish you write. And whilst your at it stop censoring comments just because they don't conform to your left wing views. Give us back our right to free speech or lose the community to another provider.
Doc Adviser commented
"Hi, please let us know how we can improve further." Read below :
"VERIZON Didn't do Nothing to improve "further". Scared about "Comments" section. Negative Feedback. Shares drop. Not Public opinion. Wash Hands Off Sensitive matters. Bothered about own investment and public image. NY Stock Market Share Prices.
OK, lets see what NEW Owners front Guru Gowrappan can do ? Puppet to Dance to the tunes of new owners or have a say to the voices of the majority public ? ( Subscribers - what they WANT ).
Guru means GOD in Indian. Lets see if this God can answer the prayers of the followers. TRUE GOD.
Followers wishes : " BRING THE COMMENTS BACK ASAP".
YES, here's how you can IMPROVE further... LISTEN TO THE READERS COMMENTS!! Knock, Knock, HELLO !!! Anyone Home ?The "FREE" Press / Media always lament when they are "muzzled" by 'Dictatorship' Governments.
Yet, it is the same "FREE" Press / Media that "muzzles" its readers and viewers, by neither allowing "free" comments nor “freely” allowing to voice one's views and opinions. Hypocracy.
Hope the 'new' owners, Yahoo EMEA Ltd, will begin a dawn of a 'new' era. Desired suggestions :
1 ) FREE SPEECH irrespective of Race, Religion, Caste, Color or Creed.
Even in the choicest of invectives.
2 ) Get rid of the "Report Abuse" button
3 ) Get rid of the "Flag As Inappropriate".
4 ) No Moderators to EDIT or DELETE comments.
( Biased Moderators of Color, Religion, Personal views, etc ).
5 ) “SAFE PLACE” ? Let people have a war of words online, than a physical war on the streets. NO place is "SAFE" nowadays.YAHOO Comments 'were' the BEST in the world. Others have tried, but cant match. NO comparison to Yahoo at all. Yahoo was BEST!
THAT is FREE SPEECH in its TRUE essence. Be the FIRST to take the LEAD, let others follow.
Set the Ball rolling..... -
Doc Adviser commented
Comments withdrawn after western world BLM protests and upcoming US election.
Face the real facts, not what you think or want the world to think. Others also have brains to think.