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760 results found
106th ranked
Better Content
The price of Rippa's shoes being $515.00 is not news. I paid $250.00 for shoes 12 years ago! Get something meaningful to discuss, the price of shoes is not it!
208th ranked -
Fix your submit botton on OMG
I can't no longer make a post on OMG, because your summit botton no longer works. Please fix it, or I won't have no other choice but to go to another site.
168th ranked -
"Fewer like this"
Dear idiots at Yahoo, again I open my home page and 80% of the first three or four screens are sports and celebrity news. Shine, OMG, the Wrap, the Kardashians, Two & a half Men, Hockey, Football, Soccer, NAASCAR, etc, etc, etc, again.
My "content preferences" still has 1,000 items in the "dislike" list, and includes all of the mentioned categories, plus 991 more. Apparently what I don't want to see doesn't really matter.
155th ranked -
blocking a topic has to improve - take the facebook model
how many times to i need to delete miley cyrus articles before you literally never show them to me again? come on. this isn't like me deleting articles on california and you still showing me important california news like a big fire. this is just ******** entertainment nonsense. i, a grown-up, choose to never see a miley cyrus article for as long as i live and promise not to sue you if i ever miss out because of that (unlikely). what are you doing at this point? nothing at all? are you shoing me 30 miley articles a day instead…
168th ranked -
522nd ranked
I do not like the new OMG! format.
It is jumbled and convoluted. I loved the simplicity of the original format. One look and you could easily decide which headlines you wanted to check out.
67th ranked -
The videos could use some closed captions.
You may catch the Deaf audiences if you do so.
522nd ranked -
Please, please, remove all the purple. It makes for a difficult read and I find myself unable to stay on the page.
Please remove all the black and purple. It makes for a very difficult read and I find myself unable to stay on the page to read anything. Just cannot continue OMG with this background.
98th rankedHi there,
Thank you for your feedback. The background has been changed to white now. Please continue to post your suggestion on the forum and help us to improve our service. Your feedback will help us greatly to improve our product.
Have a good day,
Yahoo Product Support -
Why are you cutting off the photos?
Why have you stared cutting off the bottom third of all the photos? We used to see the whole picture, and now we don't. I guess this means I have to go elsewhere?
63rd ranked -
Less is more!
I used to love how simple the old page was, large pictures and barely any text. Not only is this new page too much, I don't want to have to thumb through all the articles - pick the important stories for me! The left and right sidebars make the content smaller, it isn't centered and the dark background gives me somewhat of a headache.
208th ranked -
I dislike the new logo of Yahoo!
you went and fixed something that was broken.
208th ranked -
the new layout for the Yahoo sites is not a good choice. Looking at the best/worst dressed is frustrating
let us see the entire picture, not just half of it. Most of the time, the commercial plays over and over again and the "report" is inaudible.
291st ranked -
106th ranked
Is your photo person on vacation?
Your photo updates seem to have gone down hill since the OMG website was reformatted... there used to be continuous updates and easy access to the "social snaps" and "top shots" sections -which are my favorite. I am starting to think you guys forgot about them... how else am I supposed to know what my celebs are up to today?
469th ranked -
Bad Video Links
I'm beginning to really hate Yahoo!. Typically what happens is I click on a video link, the advertisement plays just fine, but when it comes time for the video, it doesn't play or it says "Yahoo! is experiencing technical difficulties." We can put a man on the moon, but you can't make a video link work... get with it!
404th ranked -
469th ranked
758th ranked
I cant receive my verified massage for Instagram account
I cant receive verified massage for my Instagram account
758th ranked -
HAHAHA...I've been vindicated!
I've known for years that you are mainly an information depot....and refused to use you. Your fancy pants CEO ain't impressive if she lets this kind of IT happen to Yahoo. But, karma's a *****, right?
522nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?