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760 results found

  1. New horoscope layout

    Hate the new horoscope layout. It's awful, can't navigate it, "read more" won't display on my Samsung, left to right scroll doesn't work, no Chinese horoscope anywhere. Yuck, Yuck Yuck!!!!! Nothing good about it!

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  2. Kardashian go away

    I am absolutely disgusted by this family. If I read a page that has a picture or article about any of them, I quickly turn away. Are these people living the American values we want our young impressionable girls adopting?
    It’s time to replace the media blitz of this ugly family and bring in some other articles about people who add to society, rather than drain it.

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  3. Really DON'T Like the new horoscope page!!! Missing information!!! will have to find a new site to go too!!

    Really DON"T LIKE the new horoscope page!!! Where is the Cosmic Calendar with the planet alignments?? Missing information, to busy!!! Will have to find a new site to go to!!

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    It has become very clear that Yahoo does not pay attention the readers preferences and about the Kardashtions and Kanye. We do not want any more information about them. No one gives a s??t about them.

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  5. old horoscope! old horoscope!

    the new one is awful so hard to read/navigate on a phone
    no more daily singles or couples?!
    cant go back to previous days in the other categories?
    new and improved is a no go old is where its at

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  6. Where is the Chinese Horoscope? This layout is "scattered" and unorganized. Ugh!

    Frankly, it's scattered and seems disorganized. You may think the graphics are adorable and all that. Not really. Where is the Chinese Horoscope? I look forward to that to round out the readings.

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  7. I cannot navigate to tomorrow or the next day on any section

    I cannot navigate to tomorrow or the next day on any section. Java's updated and all that jazz... so basically something seems broken. In addition I just want to confirm that it is hard to read. It doesn't navigate. Did you test drive this?

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  8. PLEASE find something else to write about besides Beiber, Kim & Kenya and Miley. There are some seriously TALENTED people out there

    Why of why does Yahoo omg! insist on focusing on the trash and the troublemakers? There are so many talented, loving wonderful "stars" out there that should be getting attention. There are people out there that are doing good for those less fortunate, making great decisions in their lives and careers, but you feel the need to focus on the idiots like Beiber and Miley. PLEASE I BEG you to make them go away!!!

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  9. BAN KIM K

    Here's a suggestion. Stop writing about Kim K and her Douche Bag Side kick. Have you been reading ANY of the comments. NO one gives a S***

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  10. Stop with the Kardashian Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner articles!!!!!!!!!! !

    Stop with the Kardashian and Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner articles! The public is sick to death of having these ******** shoved in our faces every **** day!

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  11. 12th ranked

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  12. 11th ranked

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  13. Hate the new horoscope layout. It's awful, can't navigate it, no chinese horoscope anywhere!

    Hate the new horoscope layout. It's awful, can't navigate it, no chinese horoscope anywhere

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  14. Go back to old Horoscope Web design

    The new site is very pretty but it does not work well! I can go from the daily horoscope to the extended daily horoscope and that is it! I cannot go to the previous nor next day and that has been annoying. It's not even necessary slow because I have waited a while, it just does not go anywhere. Please go back to the way it was before, it has been like this for about a week now. Every time I try and hope it's been fixed, I have been let down.

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  15. Less postings of the Karsahian's and Mr. West

    Please for the love of g_d fewer Kris, Bruce, Kim, Kendall, ect. Unless they save the world from ISIS or cure cancer - then please ease up on coverage of them. I use Yahoo for news worthy articles and this family does not fall into that catergory. Is Yahoo really paying attention to their customer complaints?

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  16. Horoscope page is awful - no more chinese horoscopes!

    The only reason I go to Yahoo is to check daily, extended, and chinese horoscopes. Now that Yahoo "celebrity" (ha!) has messed up this info on the site, I will be dropping Yahoo altogether as soon as I can find the info elsewhere., here I come!

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  17. 17th ranked

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  18. 18th ranked

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  19. Why do you promote Kardashians so much?

    They are not "celebrities", they are disgusting, immoral and yet you perpetuate stories about all of them like they are newsworthy. Most famous for a **** video, and you seem to gloss over the fact they are trash. Americans don't like them

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  20. What the heck is wrong with the new astrology layout? i cant access the entire cosmic calendar? wow, you really messed up! fix it!

    please fix the cosmic calendar, i am very frustrated that i cannot read the entire report, i have come to depend on this information, and it has been messed up for days!

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