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  2. Put TV Listings on Home page

    Put TV Listings on Home page!

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  3. Put back the 'comment' section. Not all of us use the rest of social media.

    Put back the 'comment' section. Not all of us use the rest of social media.

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  4. Quit putting Ads on every listing that cannot be deleted for so many seconds.

    If I don't want to watch a video about some ad that I have no interest
    in. I should not be forced to, just to see the listing I clicked on.
    The ad cannot be deleted for the seconds that it says. This is unfair
    advertising and also a fringe on my liberties.

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  5. Comments Section

    How about making the comments' icon functional? Repeated clicks on it are useless.

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  6. 4th ranked

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  7. Videos dont work

    I don't understand why the videos don't work in the articles. I have to refresh about half a dozen times and sometimes they still don't work. I don't want to have to go all the way to YouTube just to see a similar video.

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  8. Remove Jenner, Kardasian from your printable media. ENOUGH ALREADY. YOU ARE CAVING TO THESE SELF-MOVITATED PUBLICITY HOUNDS!

    I think that as your subject declines, thus your caliber of audience declines.
    We'll all jump ship if this insult to our intelligence continues-guaranteed!

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  9. 10th ranked

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  10. Stop post Kylie Jenner **** stories!!!!

    Your news site is a joke with stories from ETonline about Kylie Jenner posting another bikini selfies. Get some real news for a change.

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  11. 12th ranked

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  12. Save Stalker

    Please save Stalker....Stalker is a fantastic show with a great cast...please YahooTV save Stalker, we are begging!!!!

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  13. 13th ranked

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  14. stop the liberal bias, your yahoo tv news on bill cosby and the ann coulter comments were sickening.

    have Hillary Clinton take questions from rush Limbaugh or bill oreilly. your biased reporting and socalled funny bits about bill cosby are just plain wrong. did you not see the results of the last election? you have no clue....and soon you will not be my search engine, nor my email which I have had since 2001. but your too arrogant to even understand your bias.

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  15. 17th ranked

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  16. You could have someone actually proofread articles

    Your recent article "Emmys: 12 Staples Who Deserve Another Nomination" states that, on "Downton Abbey," butler Mr. Carson asked Mrs. Patmore to marry him. WRONG!! He asked Mrs. HUGHES to marry him. Do you do any research/watch the shows you write about?

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  17. Community Season Six Episode two is not working, please fix!

    Trying to watch the second episode and it will not play. I ran ccleaner to see if that helped and tried several browsers. Also episode 3 played fine. Also also forget about a streaming service or any of that just keep making community forever, please and thank you.

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  18. Do not show ads that require subscription to see the add. I will never subscribe until I have seen the ad.

    Do not show ads that require subscription to see the add. I will never subscribe until I have seen the ad. That is way pushy.

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  19. Stop click-baiting headlines. Oh wait, don't bother, I'm going to stop reading isntead.

    My idea is for Marissa Myer to read this article every day and ponder the damage done to Yahoo! by click-baiting every headline.

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  20. 19th ranked

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